At the local café || YuYeon

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Yuqi was super excited to meet her new bodyguard and went to the local café, there she saw a girl in a suit with some black glasses and assumed she was her bodyguard. '' Hello? Are you here to meet up with someone that is looking for a bodyguard?'' '' Yes yes are you the Song Yuqi?'' Yuqi nodded and sat on a chair and chatted with her bodyguard. '' Oh and by the way what's your name?'' '' Soyeon Jeon Soyeon.'' 

Wow that's a really really pretty name and a good one to moan if I ever had sex with someone like her, how can she be a bodyguard? She's so beautiful I can't believe someone can be so perfect like her. '' Yuqi?'' She's so beautiful I wish she wasn't my bodyguard so I could ask her to be my girlfriend or something '' SONG YUQI?!'' Yuqi slipped out of her thoughts and answered with a simple 'Yes' '' Uh when can I start working?'' '' Ahh Soyeon you can start now if you want I can bring you to my place and you can work.'' '' Okay Mrs. Song I will by the way is it 24/7 that I have to work? Because I have a girlfriend at home and I can't live a day without her so like can you make it maybe 18/7?'' '' No you can work 24/7 or you can leave.'' '' No no I'll stay I really need the money so I'll stay even though she will miss me because I used to work for 10 hours a day and on sunday I would stay at home and take her out on dates and later in the eve I would get a little drunk and fuck her.'' Yuqi listened to what Soyeon said and imagined her and Soyeon doing that together but she knew it was impossible because Soyeon had a girlfriend and it sounded like she really liked her 'girlfriend' and might later become her wife so Yuqi lost hope but still decided to maybe give it a try secretly. '' Sounds fun while over here I'm a single person that only dated in high school and in university I didn't date at all and focused on my school and whatever the fuck I also needed to do. Did you even go to school?'' '' That's an offensive question you know and yes I did go to school I finished university when I was 19 years old since I skipped a lot of classes because my IQ level was a lot higher than the rest of the students so yes I did go to school.'' Yuqi nodded and asked Soyeon about her girlfriend. '' Oh she's 27 years old and she's still in school her name is Miyeon.'' '' Miyeon? That sounds familiar do you mind telling me her surname?'' '' No not at all her surname is Cho full name is then Cho Miyeon.'' '' Cho Miyeon? Birthday January 31 1997?'' '' Yes how do you know?'' '' Miyeon and I were bff in high school but then I had to move back to China to complete my school there so yeah.'' '' Well anyways uh do I just like follow you around to make sure you don't die or something?'' Yuqi nodded and Soyeon then followed her everywhere. '' Hey you can stay in front of my door I'll go change my clothes.'' '' Yes Mrs. Song.'' Yuqi smiled at her and closed the door behind her Soyeon was standing in front of Yuqi's door. Suddenly Yuqi came out without a warning or anything she pushed the door open not knowing Soyeon was right in front of it, Soyeon fell to the ground since the ground had tiles her hand got injured pretty bad it started bleeding and there was a place on her hand that was cut open by the tile but Soyeon didn't panic at all as she was trained for this. '' Soyeon are you okay? I'm so so so sorry I didn't know you were standing right there.''    '' Its okay its not your fault don't worry I'll be okay.'' Yuqi nodded and lead Soyeon to the bathroom to wash her hand.

Later When Soyeon Arrived Home

'' Miyeon!!! Honey I'm home!'' Miyeon ran down and basically jumped in Soyeon's arms and kissed her softly on the lips. '' Soyeon you're back! I've missed you how was the first day of the new job? And what happened to your hand?'' '' Babe I fell on the ground scraping my hand on tiles and yeah the job is good only I have to work seven days a week every hour every minute every second, so yeah I will not be home like at all maybe if I get on break that's like only 1 hour I'll come back.'' '' Uh Soyeon I umm have to tell you something.'' '' Sure yeah go ahead.'' '' So umm I think we should break up I really don't think this is going to work out I'm sorry.'' Soyeon sobbed in tears as she ran up in her room and cried in a pillow, Miyeon knocked on the door '' Soyeon? Can I come in?'' '' Yeah yeah you can.'' Soyeon said while a few tears still came down her eyes. '' Look Soyeon I love you but I just don't think we will work out together and I found someone else that I maybe am good for.'' '' Okay Miyeon don't worry I'll be okay, but like are you gonna move out of here? This place is huge and like I can't stay alone in this giant house.'' '' I'm sorry Soyeon I'm moving in with my new girlfriend.'' '' Oh it's okay don't worry, should I help you pack?'' '' No thanks I already did my girlfriend is coming to pick me up right now.'' Someone rang the door bell and Miyeon ran down. '' Bye Soyeon!'' '' Bye Miyeon.'' Soyeon replied with a sulked voice.

I Hope You Love This One As Much As 'Yuyeon's Love' Please Enjoy!

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