The Date || YuYeon

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I Know A Bit Chinese Since I Was Born There So Yeah Don't Ask How I Can Write Chinese And Stuff.

The day came where Soyeon and Yuqi had there first date as Soyeon said yes to Yuqi since she thought Yuqi was a spoiled brat. Soyeon got ready so did Yuqi of course had a mom and a dad in China and thought about it to go see them in a few days, after both of them were ready they met up at a bar and they greeted each other '' Hi Soyeon!'' '' Hello Yuqi.'' Yuqi and Soyeon took a table and sat down on the high stools at the bar and ordered a drink. '' Soyeon I will pay for you okay?'' '' No no Yuqi no need not because I'm a bodyguard means I have no money so I'll pay for myself.'' Yuqi nodded and a few hours later it was already 7 PM Soyeon looked at Yuqi who was very very drunk Yuqi drank a lot and got really drunk so Soyeon brought her to the bathroom to clean her up suddenly Yuqi pulled Soyeon by her collar and Yuqi started kissing her. '' YUQI WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!'' Yuqi shrugged and continued kissing her Soyeon pushed her away not too roughly and carried her to her car and Soyeon drove her home putting her in bed as she was about to walk out of the room to watch the house Yuqi suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into bed. '' Soyeonieeee please sleep with me, you are after my bodyguard so keep me safe from ghosts, zombies, and night bugs so stay or you're fired.'' '' Yes Mrs. Song I'll stay for one night.'' '' By the was Soyeonie I'm going to my parents house tomorrow can you come with me? Please.'' '' Yes Mrs. Song I'll come.'' '' Good girl you'll meet my parents since you're my girlfriend now right?'' '' What!? I never said that.'' '' You don't have to or I'll fire you.''     '' Sure then fire me I don't care.'' Soyeon was actually gonna walk out this time but Yuqi stopped her. '' Wait Soyeonieee please don't leave please I'm really sorry please don't leave.'' '' I wasn't gonna leave I was gonna use the bathroom but now I know you really like me so yes I'll be your girlfriend.'' '' Yay really can we make love ( wink wink ).'' '' NO! I only went on one date with you now you want to have sex with me?!'' Yuqi chuckled and slept with Soyeon.

The next day they packed their bags to go to China to meat Yuqi's parents. When they arrived in China a girl tried to flirt with Soyeon but the poor girl didn't understand a thing the other was saying to her and just nodded the girl actually told her: '' 姐姐,你看起来很性感,介意做我吗?'' that means 'Sis, you look very sexy, do you mind doing it for me.' or being mine' Anyways Soyeon nodded since she thought the girl was asking something else the girl suddenly took her hand and Soyeon called for Yuqi in Korean Yuqi saw her and ran over to her taking her hand. '' Soyeonieee what are you doing?'' '' Yuqi yah someone was telling me something in Chinese and I couldn't understand a thing so I just nodded and she took my hand.'' '' You silly girl, now lets go to my house in Beijing where my parents are and I just called them to tell them I got a girlfriend they don't believe me so lets go now.'' Soyeon nodded and they went over to Yuqi's house in Beijing. Yuqi knocked on the door and her mom opened the door and she greeted Soyeon while hugging her and kissing her forehead and welcomed her inside their house Yuqi's dad was sitting on a chair and stood up to greet Soyeon. '' Hello Soyeon and Yuqi.'' Yuqi's mom said in Korean as she knew a little bit of Korean Soyeon also greeted her and her mom said. '' There is you're room Yuqi and Soyeon can stay in the guest room.'' '' No no mom she's my girlfriend we sleep together in one bed.'' They said in mandarin of course Soyeon didn't understand anything at all. But Yuqi's mom said okay and Yuqi and Soyeon went to unpack their stuff and Soyeon jumped on the bed and Yuqi joined as they cuddled together suddenly Yuqi got on top of Soyeon and started kissing her slowly removing her clothes, after Soyeon was in a bra and panties she suddenly jumped on Yuqi removing her clothes aggressively and also kissed her and slipped her tongue into Yuqi's mouth and continued like that until Yuqi was fully naked Soyeon stood up and locked the door and got back on top of Yuqi and started fingering her, Yuqi moaned not to loud for her mother and father to hear what they were doing. Soyeon was leaving red marks on Yuqi's neck on purpose. '' WAIT SOYEON WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU LEAVING MARKS ON MY NECK?!'' '' Yes I am I do what I want with my girlfriend you know.'' '' You I won't forgive you if my mom and dad find out what we did in the bedroom together since we never had sex before plus I also never had sex in my whole life have you ever had sex?'' '' Yeah I had sex in high school a few times because I mean everybody wanted to get with me so it was easy having sex daily.'' '' Oh wow I never knew I have never had sex in my whole life, well now I have but I can't believe you had in high school.'' '' Yeah yeah it was kind of fun since I skipped classes to have sex in back alleys even in classrooms, if I had known you I probably would have done the same with you and honestly I've never been bottom I've always been top and I don't plan on ever being bottom so yeah.''

Please Support Me On My Journey On Writing Books It's My Dream As well But I Also Am A KPOP Trainee Now I Have To Do My Best To Debut In A KPOP Group So Yeah. Comment You're Favorite (G)I-DLE Song As Well As You're Bias In (G)I-DLE!

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