An Accident Happened || YuYeon

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The next day when Soyeon went over to work for Yuqi since it was her first day she only worked for 19 hours. '' Hi Soyeon.'' '' Hello Mrs. Song.'' '' Are you okay? You seem a little sad.'' Soyeon just nodded took her gun and went outside of the mansion's gate, a little later someone pulled up at the house. '' Hello? Who are you and what are you doing here?'' '' Excuse me? I should ask you what the fuck you're doing here.'' Yuqi ran out of her house smiled and greeted her friend inside her house. '' Don't worry she is my best friend always let her in when she comes okay?'' '' Okay Mrs. Song.'' '' Oh and by the way Shuhua this is my bodyguard when I go out of course he I-I mean she stays outside of my house in the day, sorry oppa.'' '' It's okay but I don't like being called 'oppa' so please don't call me oppa.'' Yuqi nodded and went inside with her friend. '' Wow Yuqi you're bodyguard is pretty hot maybe I'll steal her to be my girlfriend.'' '' No Shu she's mine I'll ask her to be my girlfriend one day.'' Suddenly they heard something outside and they ran out to see what happened, when they arrived they saw Soyeon on the floor bleeding a driver had hit her while she tried to get a kid's ball back for him. '' SOYEON!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!'' '' Yes Mrs. Song I'm fine.'' '' You're not fine I'll bring you to the hospital and call you're girlfriend?'' '' No no need besides my girlfriend left me for someone else so don't bother.'' Yuqi was shocked that Soyeon was single and decided to ask '' You know I am also single and yeah you look like the perfect match for me, so what do you say?'' Soyeon shrugged not knowing what to say to the rich brat. '' No no I don't date spoiled brats I'm sorry.'' '' Spoiled brat? How fucking dare you!?'' '' Not trying to cause any trouble Mrs. Song I don't date people like you who cry when they don't get what they want.'' '' I promise I'm not like that at all at least go on 1 date with me to see if I am a spoiled brat.'' Soyeon nodded and stood up looking at Yuqi and turning back to face the street then Soyeon saw Yuqi crossing the streets to buy ice cream for the kids who played outside her heart melted as she saw Yuqi doing that and decided to give Yuqi a chance to go on a date but suddenly she saw Yuqi crossing the streets again and a car was at least going 90 KM/H and Yuqi just stood not knowing what to do Soyeon jumped and pushed Yuqi away getting hit herself Soyeon laid there on the floor still breathing she stood up with all that pain and asked Yuqi to call 911 to help her and Yuqi did as told, after a few minutes the ambulance showed up and took Soyeon in.

After a few days Yuqi got a call saying Soyeon was ready to get picked up, Yuqi drove and when she arrived at the hospital she ran inside and asked for Soyeon saying she came to pick her up the nurse gave her the room number and she went seeing Soyeon standing as if nothing happened before. '' SOYEONIEEE!!!'' '' Please don't call me that and I'll go on a date with you to check if you really are not a spoiled brat so yes I agree.'' Yuqi was jumping with joy and they went over to her car and Soyeon got in and offered to drive Yuqi home.

Next Chapter Is Going To Be Yuqi And Soyeon Going On A Date!

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