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Balatero Station

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Balatero Station

Puerto Galera, Mindoro

2 February, 14:19

The good news is I'm not dead.

The bad news is... I'm alive and have to deal with the mess called Lucas Tan.

Even when Lucas and I had long changed from our beach wear, we look nowhere as fresh as the other tourists on the beach. Weird rashes are peppering his skin. As for his bruises... now those are a different story. Especially his face, where Hogweed landed a handful of hard punches—I'm surprised that she didn't manage to break his nose or jaw. Not that I wanted that to happen. Maybe.

After all that excitement was over, we return to La Solidaridad. White Beach is located somewhere outside Puerto Galera, so we had to take a taxi ride to get back to the train station. On the way there, we stopped by a grocery store and bought snacks and other ready-to-eat food. With all the assassins probably still in our tail, it's probably a good idea to not eat anything served on the train for the rest of the trip. I'm going to miss eating those finger foods.

The two of us don't talk the whole time. I don't even spare Lucas a glance. He doesn't either, but from the way he leans away from me for every bump in the road that got us jostling to each other, he does not like it. The thorns in his hands were already gone, but I can't help but check on them from time to time, waiting to see if they're going to show up again.

I hate this tension between us, but with everything I've been through for the last 48 hours, I don't know what to feel or think. Not only did he lie to me twice—maybe more, only God knows—he killed Hogweed before I could get answers. I'll be contacting headquarters again soon. We've already contacted the local police about the dead body Lucas and I 'found' on the beach, but I'll have to tell Interpol too. That also means I have to tell them something or they'll find out about Lucas and his affiliation with Poison Grove. Lucas may be questionable, people might see him as a freakshow but I know he's not bad. In a way, he doesn't mean trouble. I have to water the situation down before they assume otherwise.

When I step inside the train, my body suddenly feels like lead. I didn't realize I was that tired. Lucas did much of the fighting back on the beach, but I guess the shot of adrenaline I probably got then is finally flushing out of my system.

The passengers are scant in the lobby. Most of them must still be on the beach or gone from the trip altogether—if the newest ambush hasn't scared them off already. The train officials have yet to make a statement about Hemlock, but the train is small enough that I know most already have an idea of what's going on.

Lucas keeps his distance as we head to the guest suites. Just as my hand twists on the knob of my door, Lucas grabs me by my arm, stopping me in place. His touch sends a tingle down my spine. My mind automatically thinks of the thorns that could dig into my skin right now.

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