Chapter 6

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I fell asleep, but I had a weird feeling that something was going to happen, I was right. Suddenly, I heard a loud crash as a window shattered, sending shards of glass flying across the room. My heart raced as I quickly assessed the situation. Instinctively, I knew I needed to find a safe place to hide, so I crawled under my bed, hoping to remain unnoticed.

However, my attempt to conceal myself was short-lived. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, strong hands grabbed my ankles and forcefully dragged me out from my hiding spot. Panic surged through my veins as I saw Jennifer, being dragged by her hair in a similar manner. It was a terrifying sight, and I knew we were in grave danger.

The burglars, dressed entirely in black, seemed to be professionals. Their presence filled the air with an eerie tension, and the sound of our screams filled the otherwise silent house. They herded us into the living room, where they coldly and efficiently bound our mouths and wrists with duct tape, rendering us helpless and unable to communicate. In the chaos, I caught a glimpse of Chris, as one of the burglars struck him, rendering him unconscious.

As I glanced upward, my eyes landed on Finley positioned on the staircase, his presence alone enough to deter any intruder. The burglar, undeterred by the feline's presence, aimed his weapon, ready to fire at the defiant cat. "Get out of here!" He shouted, and raised the gun. Reacting swiftly, I launched myself forward and delivered a swift, well-aimed kick, successfully hitting the gun out of his hand. A growl of frustration escaped his lips, a testament to his mounting anger and defeat in the face of unexpected resistance.

"You want to beg for your life a little harder?" The guy asks me, his voice dripping with sadistic amusement. I feel a shiver run down my spine as I try to gather my thoughts. "No, we are not here for them, man," the other guy states firmly, his voice filled with authority. The tension in the room is palpable, and I can't help but feel a sense of impending doom.

"Enjoy the perks! Lighten up, enjoy your life, have a good time," the guy taunts, his words laced with sarcasm. I can't help but wonder what he means by "perks" and why he's so intent on tormenting me. Fear courses through my veins, making it difficult to think clearly.

"I think I'll take this one, get up," the guy suddenly grabs me, his grip tight and unforgiving. I try to protest, but he cuts me off. "Cut it out," the other guy interjects, his voice filled with annoyance. It's clear that there's some tension between them, but I'm too terrified to fully comprehend what's happening. "Mind your own business," the guy retorts, his hold on me tightening, but all of a sudden, the lights go out, enveloping us in darkness. Startled by the sudden change, the guy's grip on me becomes even tighter. "The neighbors still have power," the other guy states, his voice filled with confusion. 

The realization that something is amiss dawns upon us. "Who else is here?!" the guy screams, his voice laced with both fear and anger, as he clings onto me. We strain our ears, desperately trying to make sense of the situation, when suddenly, we hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching. The footsteps belong to Finley. "Go check on it," the guy says to the other guy, his voice trembling with uncertainty, while he continues to hold onto me with an iron grip. The other guy reluctantly leaves to investigate the source of the footsteps, leaving us in a state of heightened tension and apprehension.

We hear the other burglar screaming for Michael, the one who is holding onto me, aka the one who is going to kidnap me. Suddenly, a chilling sound echoes through the air, a sinister laughter that sends shivers down my spine. It is a high-pitched, shrill laughter that pierces through the silence, leaving an eerie feeling in its wake. Could it be Finley? The very thought sends a wave of fear washing over me, as I whisper his name under my breath.

Without warning, Michael grabs hold onto me and ascends to the attic, armed with a flashlight and a gun. I am trembling, as he ventures down the dimly lit hallway, dragging me along with him. The darkness seems to envelop us, but I catch a glimpse of Finley's presence in the corner of my eye. He sits proudly on my chair, his demeanor exuding a twisted sense of satisfaction. Dressed in a striking red and black button-up suit, complete with a red tie, black pants, and tap shoes, he emanates an aura of malevolence. His eyes, fixated on us, in the darkness...

He checks under my bed, but Finley, armed with bravery and precision, swiftly fires a crossbow at him, causing him to stumble and unleashing a scream of agonizing pain

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He checks under my bed, but Finley, armed with bravery and precision, swiftly fires a crossbow at him, causing him to stumble and unleashing a scream of agonizing pain. In the midst of the chaos, I catch a glimpse of Finley's determined figure as he darts out of the room, his footsteps echoing through the tense atmosphere.

Practice makes perfect~ (FINLEY the dummy x reader) short 2020 filmWhere stories live. Discover now