Chapter 19 Lord Raven Shows Up Again

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That afternoon, Edmund, Glenstorm, the giant Rumblebuffin, and I went to deliver Peter's challenge.

As we entered the camp, I snuck off, so no soldiers saw me. I headed to the catapults and hid behind them. I got a good chance to examine them.
"Seems it was built very well," I mutter.
I took out a piece of paper and my dagger pen and began sketching it.
About 20 feet tall and 8 feet wide. I examine the wood, oak.
"Nothing a rock couldn't destroy!" I grin, "We're bringing out the griffins again."
I stand up to leave and hide in the forest to wait for Edmund. But I feel an iron hand grip my shoulders, and I turn around, and there's that Lord, who tried to kill me.
"Thornea," he chuckles coldly,"Seems you survived, but not for long."
"Listen I'm not Thornea," I protest, he moves me roughly into a large tent. My kicking attempts have failed.
"Sit down," he orders gruffly.
I listen, but he ties me to a chair.
"I won't gag you, because I wouldn't want a lie to be your last words, cousin," he gives me an evil smirk.
"I didn't kill your father," I protest,"I don't even know who he is. Maybe Miraz did it."
"You little liar, why would my king do such a thing. You're never leaving that chair." He yells.
"I can see that," I laugh, trying to be brave, but the idea of never seeing my siblings again scares me.
"Let's have a little chat shall we, before you die," Raven Lord sits down in front of me."Just who do you think killed my father."
So I decide to go down a long list, hoping that would save time for Edmund to find me.

3rd person
Edmund stands nervously in front of Miraz and most of his lords. He reads them Peter's challenge.
"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, and by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands. To prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge usurper Miraz to single combat in the fields of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward is total surrender."
Edmund closes the scroll and waits for the King's answer, who's silent for a moment.
"Tell me, Prince Edmund..." Begins Miraz.
"King," Edmund corrects him.
"Pardon me?" Asks Miraz.
"It's King Edmund actually, just king, Peter's the High King. I know it's confusing." He explains.
"Why would we risk such a proposal, when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall," Miraz says.
Edmund grins at the king's stupidity, "Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? I mean a week ago, Narnians were extinct."
"And so will you be again," Miraz threatens.
"Well, then you should have little to fear," Edmund answers, bracing his courage.
"This is not a question of bravery," the king says annoyed.
"So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age," Edmund tried to hide a smile at the king's cowardice.
"I didn't say I refused," scowled Miraz.
"You should have our support, Your Majesty," a lord encourages him, "For whatever decision you make."
"Sire, our military advantage provides the perfect accuse to avoid what otherwise might be..." begins Lord Sospesian
"I'm not avoiding anything," he unsheathes his sword and points it at the lord.
"I was merely pointing out that his majesty had his rights to refuse," the lord explains.
"His majesty would never refuse," General Glozelle tells him.
Miraz points his sword at Edmund, "You, let's hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen."
Edmund nods in agreement and decided this was his signal to leave. He and Glenstorm and Rumblebuffin made their way to where they'd meet Verity, but she wasn't there.
A sickening feeling met Edmund.
"Where'd she go?" He asks.
"Sire isn't this her pen dagger on the ground," Glenstorm stooped to pick it up.
"Yes," he nods, "Oh, where is she."
"Footprints!" Rumblebuffin mutters, "Look those look like her footprints, heading toward that tent!"
Edmund swallowed hard, "Come on, then."
"Or maybe we should stay," Glenstorm says, "Couldn't fit in that tent."
Edmund nods in agreement.

Verity's pov
I managed to entertain Lord Raven for a long time, maybe an hour. But then he realized what I was doing.
"Now, Thornea, it's over with your tricks," he unsheathes his sword.
I close my eyes and say a little prayer, expecting the sword to reach my throat any minute.
"Sir, in case you don't know, that's my sister you have there," I hear Edmund say.
I open my eyes and there's my brother, his sword pointing at Lord Raven.
"No, she's my cousin, Thornea," the lord Argue's, "and today I get revenge."
"Let her go," Edmund orders."Or I'll tell Miraz you're harbouring an innocent person."
"Likely he'll listen," I snort.
"Fine," sighs the lord, he unties me, "But it's not over yet, Thornea; see you at the battle; I'll get my revenge."
Edmund puts an arm around me and leads me out of the camp.
"Thanks," I tell shakily him, "For saving my hide, he was about to kill me."
"Why is he trying to kill you," he asks me.
So I tell him the whole story about Lord Raven. We walk back to the how with Rumblebuffin and Glenstorm following us.
"Peter's not going to be happy about this; you'd better tell him, Verity, that Lord Raven's still not done with you," Edmund answers.
I nod in reply, I'm still shaken by it all. I might be dead tomorrow. I wasn't safe and all because of another girl who looked like me.

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