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Teju- Karan what are you doing

Karan- What am I doing, I was just having a conversation with your co-actor. By the way are you trying to impress him?

Teju- What? Are you mad?

Karan- No I am absolutely fine, but I think you are definitely crazy because even a blind person can tell he likes you and flirting with you and you are ok with all this flirting. And you are wearing a dress in which you are not comfortable.
( Karan has noticed that Teju is not comfortable in her dress and she was continuously trying to adjust it properly)

Teju- I am not ok with his flirting, I had told him to stop all this nonsense. And this dress has nothing to do with him, it's my stylist.

Karan- But he is still flirting

Teju- So, what can I do he likes me that's why he is trying his luck

Karan- So, you know he likes you

Teju- Of course I am not blind and he confessed too

Karan- What? He proposed you, have you told uncle and aunty about him

Teju- First of all he has not proposed me he had just confessed his feelings and I had told him that I am not interested in him so, why would I tell about him to my parents

Karan- If he again bother you or try to flirt with you call me I will handle him

Teju- Excuse me why would I call you I can handle my problems myself I don't need your help

Karan- I know you can but I was telling you just as a friend

Teju- Friend?? You and me friends!! Really???

Karan- Why are you so shocked with the word friend?

Teju- Because we are not friends

Karan- Yes you are right we have never been friends, we have always behaved like an old married couple

Teju- What do you mean by that?

Karan- Whenever we meet each other we argue with each other or irritate, annoy or tease each other like married couples do

Teju- Whatever

Then Adaa came their and asks Teju to come with her

Adaa- Hii Karan

Karan- Hi

Adaa- Teju I have some work with you come with me

Teju- Yeah lets go

Adaa- Excuse us Karan

Karan- Yeah enjoy the party



Teju and Adaa left from there

Adaa- Teju what were you doing with him, does he also have a crush on you?

Teju- What? Are you mad, he was just telling me if I need help in Kushal matter or if he bothers me again I can call him, he will help.

Adaa- What? Are you both friends?

Teju- No, we are not friends but we know each other

Adaa- How do you know him, I have never seen you both interacting with each other at any event or party and you both don't even follow each other on social media. How do you know him, I can't understand anything

Teju- Ohh God! Relax, how many questions you are asking. I will tell you everything when I drop you at home I am starving right now lets eat something and leave.

Adaa- Ok but you will tell me everything.

Teju- Ok can we eat now

Adaa- Yes



They both were eating their food and Karan was staring at Teju because she was looking very hot and beautiful when she came but right now she is looking too cute while eating her food and Omi noticed that Karan was stating at Teju.

Omi- Karan bhai are you checking out your childhood enemy

Karan- What? I am not checking out anybody and what is this childhood enemy?

Omi- You are the one who told us that she used to call you her enemy when she was little

Karan- Yes but you all can't use it to annoy me

Omi- Ok but I know you like her

Karan- Of course I like her she is Prakash uncle's daughter and we used to play with each other

Omi- Then why she is not your friend

Karan- I don't know, whenever I used to talk to her she had always ignored me so, I also started ignoring her and we grow apart

Omi- But you can again try to be friends with her because I know you like her and not as Prakash Uncle's Daughter but you have a crush on her

Karan- what nonsense, I don't have a crush on her

Omi- Really you don't have a crush on her? Are you sure?

Karan- Yes, I don't have a crush on her

Omi- Then I can try my luck

Karan- Don't even think about it

Omi- Why do you care if you don't have a crush

Karan- You are not going to leave this topic

Omi- No, if you accept then maybe I can leave this topic

Karan- Ok I have a crush on her but she doesn't likes me

Omi- How do you know that

Karan- Leave it, lets have our dinner and leave

Omi- Ok


Teju and Adaa left the party and after some time Karan also left for his home



In Teju's car

Adaa- So, now tell me how do you know Karan

Teju- He is my dad's bestfriend's son

Adaa- What? From how long do you know him

Teju- Since I was born

Adaa- What? really? You are childhood friends?

Teju- No we are not friends but we know each other from childhood

Adaa- But you have never told me that you know him

Teju- Because that was not important and we hardly meet or talk so, their is no point, now leave this topic.



And they both reached their homes





Thank you that's all for today I hope you like it please vote, comment and share 🙏

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