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Karan- So, what do you want to talk about?

Teju- Our parents want us to get married

Karan- Yes, I know that

Teju- You don't have any problem with that

Karan- No, do you have any problem

Teju- No, but I don't know why they thought we should get married

Karan- Why you agreed if you were not sure?

Teju- Because I trust mom dad's decision

Karan- Then what is bothering you?

Teju- Why did you agree to marry me?

Karan- Because I also trust my parents and you are also not that bad, I think I can tolerate you lifetime

Teju- What? If you don't want to tolerate me you can say no

Karan- I was just kidding

Teju- But on a serious note why are you marrying me, we are also not each other's type

Karan- I am not your type

Teju- I don't know if you are my type or not but I am definitely not your type

Karan- Ok what is my type, tell me

Teju- I am not a plastic doll like your ex-girlfriends, I don't really care about fashion and trends that much and most of the time I look jhalli (crazy or clumsy).

Karan- I am absolutely fine with the way you are, you don't have to worry about me if you have any problem then you can tell me

Teju- I don't have any other problem but I am warning you already I am not an easy person, I am very clumsy, and I do so many mistakes without realising so, if you can deal with all this things your whole life then ok

Karan- So, we are getting married with each other

Teju- Yes but don't tell me I have not told you this and that.

Karan- Ok, but I am also very possessive, short tempered and territorial

Teju- That's fine with me because I am also very possessive.

Karan- Listen Teju I am going to give my 100% to you and this relationship because I really like you but if you have any doubt about this you can tell me

Teju- You like me really from how long

Karan- I like you since you were born

Teju- This is cheating you said you really like me as your partner so, don't change the topic

Karan- Ok but I really like you since you were born but I started liking you more when you stole my first kiss

Teju- What? Lair when did I kissed you

Karan- You don't remember because you were only 6 years old an I was 14 and we were playing and in that game I was your husband and you were my wife and you told me to go to office and when I was going you came to hug me and give a peck on my lips and told me this is how mommy say bye to dad

Teju- That can't be true tell me you are lying

Karan- No I am not lying that's why I started to stay away from you because I felt something when you kissed me

Teju- I didn't kiss you, it was just a friendly peck

Karan- Ok, but how are you feeling your dream of marrying me will be fulfilled finally

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