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In Teju's room

Teju- I have packed everything that I need in those bags so, be careful while loading them in the car

Karan- You have packed only 2 suitcases and 5 bags, don't you think it's very less (sarcastically)

Teju- Yes because I have not packed all my clothes, heels, bags and other stuff. (Teju didn't understand that Karan was being sarcastic)

Karan- Really you have left some stuff

Teju- Yes it's not even 1/4th of the things that I have

Karan- So, when will you take them to our house

Teju- I think if we get married after that

Karan- You think that we will not get married (we will definitely get married sweety I know that)

Teju- No I am not thinking about anything because no one knows what will happen in future and I love to live in the present, I don't think much about the future

After listening to Teju Karan was thinking in his mind that she is not really ready for this marriage, I really have to make sure that she will not feel uncomfortable at my house, I hope I will make her happy and we will have a very happy and loveable relationship when we get married, I hope we will marry each other after falling in love not because of our parents

Karan- But we will have to think about the future sweety because we are going to share our future with each other from today onwards

Teju- Go and load all the bags in the car (she ignored his statement)

Karan- Ok (I know you are not that comfortable with me but I will do everything for you to make you feel safe and comfortable around me)

Teju's mom brings them coffee and tea with some snacks

TM- Karan what will you eat for dinner

Karan- Aunty nothing we will leave after having tea

TM- Ok, Teju don't annoy him and be a good girl

Teju- Mom why are you telling me all these things I don't annoy anyone, he is the one who annoys me always

TM- Karan if she irritates you or does not listen to you just call me I will deal with her

Karan- Don't worry aunty I will take care of her

Teju- Whatever now go and put my stuff in the car

Karan- Ok aunty byee

Karan called Teju and his driver and they carried all the bags and went towards cars

TM- Teju give him a chance and try to get to know each other and don't stop yourself if you feel something for him

Teju- I don't feel anything for him mom

TM- I know you both very well, you both are just pretending to not like each other, you both were inseparable in childhood

Teju- We were children at that time now we both are very different

TM- Ok but promise me you will give a chance to this relationship and Karan

Teju- Ok, I will try

TM- Ok will see you soon

Teju- Bye I will miss you

TM- I will also miss you

Teju went to meet her father and after saying bye to her parents she sat in Karan's car

Karan touched her parents feet and told them to not worry about Teju he will take care of her and after saying goodbye to them he sat in his car and started driving

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