𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒙 (Part Two)

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I winced in pain as I raised my head, finding myself looking into a pair of enormous eyes. Enemy! I somersaulted forward and kicked him hard in the stomach than raised my right hand and struck him with the hand knife move as he fell to the ground, unconsciousness. 

I stood up, both guns in my hand as I shot one bullet high up into the ceiling that bursted out with a symbol of our kingdom, Karian. 

"Agent from Karian, huh?" A group of people form a circle around me. "Wanting to steal our treasure? In your dreams, little girl." A tall athletic woman who was in the middle of the circle teased and threw the box in the air as she snatched it once again when it fell down. I think there's about one percent of winning them, since, THERE ARE FIVE OF THEM! And Livia's probably on her way to save me, if she heard the gun. 

"Finish her," she ordered and the other four of the group raised their guns or daggers and charged at me. I yelled a battle cry and jumped up high into the sky and landed right on the woman. Maybe I don't have to win, I only need the box! I grabbed it from her hands and suddenly I felt kick from behind, then fell to the ground, once again. But this time, I'm not letting go of the box, never!

I held the box tight in my hands and felt a tug from their hands, I clenched it as tight as I could then a voice cleared the atmosphere. "Clea!" It was Livia! Relief washed over me then I suddenly realized: Who was Clea?

The woman that was tugging the box let go of her grip and looked at Livia and nodded at her. Wait, they know each other? What's happening? "Livia? What happened? Don't tell me you've changed sides, this is just a joke, right? Livia?"

Livia walked towards me and gave me her hand, I was about to take it then she slapped me on my face. "I'm the traitor, Emma, if that's what you wonder." She said, her eyes cold as steel. 

What...? What just happened...?

"I was a simple kid at Lushing happily with my parents. Till one night, spies from Karian," she's sneered when she mentioned the name. "Killed my parents and brought me to their own stupid organization, wiped my memories, and made me a tool. I never knew the truth then one night, when I was looking through the documents in the detachment, all of this, was said clearly. The truth is crystal clear, from then." Livia said as a single tear rolled from her eyes. "I always see Karian as a family, but now," she eyed me viciously and whispered, "it's not."

"So...you mean Karian would gather kids from Lushing...?" I asked carefully. 

"You don't actually know what your kingdom does, right?" The woman said.


"Join us, Emma." Livia said, she seemed to loose her anger. "Together we can burn down Karian to dust."

"I...I..." Of course not, idiots!!! They raised me and cared about me when all is at a lost! I yelled in my mind as I suddenly ran away, out of the door. 

"She's useless now," the woman said to Livia and raced after me. I turned my head and looked straight into Livia's eyes. I swear, I swear for my life that her eyes, they were full of regret. "Bye," I said under my breath and waved at her for one last time. 

"Lost concentrate, did you?" The box slid away from my hands. "Well, if you have this much interest in this box, then how about..." she cackled evilly like Snow White's stepmother. "You wouldn't mind to take a sneak peak inside, would you?" She slowly opened the box, her long nails gleamed under the rising sun. When she opened the box, it looked the same as all the other ones I've seen, but then, something blue inside shimmered, bigger and bigger it grew, soon, it was big enough to absorb me. "What is that...?" I looked at it, puzzled. 

"Oh, nothing, it's just the entrance to the Otherworld, nothing else." She smirked evilly. 

Otherworld...? What's that...? Without another explanation, she pushed me hardly inside that portal as I screamed out loud, then I lost my mind. I didn't even know where I got that strength or courage, but I just did it. I wrestled her down, into the portal, as both of us screamed, together, and into the deep, deep blue in which hummed in power. 

A/N: Next update will be a week after!

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