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Pips pov

Pip stared at her phone screen.

Hey sarge, remember me?

Ravi had sent that three days ago and she still hadn't answered. It wasn't because she didn't miss him, she missed him so much it physically hurt her, but she didn't know what to say. She deleted the text she had wrote and tossed her phone is frustration.

"What's wrong pippy?" Her roommate, Chloe, asked while stifling a giggle. Pip glared at her. " I just dont know what to say" she grumbled.

"Sometimes it's better not to say anything. You know, grand gestures and all. You should go to him" Chloe said with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"How am I supposed to go to him when I have no idea where he is?" Pip quipped back. She knew she wouldn't be so rude to Chloe, it wasn't her fault. Pip was just frustrated and hungry. Chloe's sighed and mumbled something under her breath before getting up from her bed.
"Let's go get dinner"

It had been three hours and pip still hadn't had an idea of what to say to him. How could such a smart girl be so daft?  Pip had solved two murders and solved the mystery of child Brunswick all within 2 years. She didn't understand why she could do that but not have any romantic instincts whatsoever. 
"Let's go to that party tonight" Chloe chirped
Pip stared at her and raised an eyebrow. "Me? At a party?" She was disgusted by the idea. Other than Chloe, pip had the social life of a goldfish.
"Come on" her fried groaned " it will be fine. And it will get your mind off of Riley"
"Ravi" pip immediately corrected her. She bit her lip in thought. Chloe was right, it would get her mind off Ravi. That's why she very hesitantly answered

Pip stood in front of her closet. What would she wear? She only had big t shirts and jeans, with the exception on a few pairs of shirts for rare hot days.
"Chloe" her friends head snapped up
" I have nothing to wear" pip whined. Chloe simply smiled and pulled pip over to her own closet. 

The girls were standing in front of the mirror.
"We look hot" Chloe remarked, applying a fresh coat of lipgloss.  Pip did not like her outfit. Pip did not like her hair. Pip did not like her makeup. And most of all, pip did not like her shoes. Chloe's had dressed her in a skimpy spaghetti strap dress that was short enough to be worn as a shit, her shoes were shiny silver and stiletto. She was certain she would break her ankles by the end of the night. He hair was straight and flowing around her face and her make was dark a seductive. She looked more like a hooker than herself.  But she didn't want to argue, so she faked a smile and greed with her roommate
" let's go" she said, and pulled Chloe with her.

They walked into the party and pips ear were immediately assaulted by the loud music and her screaming peers. Chloe was pulling pip towards the drinks table. Pippa hated alcohol. She didn't like the feeling of losing control, but as someone thrust a red plastic cup at her, she said thank you and downed it almost instantly. Pip whispered something into Chloe's ear and walked to the couch.
"Hey pip" a boy whispered in her ear.
" hey Mike" pip didn't like Mike at all. He spoke to loud and had no respect first pips personal space. 
"What are you going at a party, don't you have homework to do?" He teased her. Pip feined a laugh and pretended she saw some she knew.
"Bye" she muttered.

It had been an hour, and she was very drunk. She was in the middle of the dance floor and some sleazy guy was dancing on her. She was sticky and didn't like this guy, but she made no attempt to move.
"Pip!" Chloe was right in front of her, yelling over the music. She took her hand and pulled her away, into a corner.
" I'm gonna go, can you come with me?" Chloe yelled at her. Pips words weren't coming to her so she simply nodded and let Chloe pull her to the front door.

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