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The bells in the door rang, calling Ravi's attention to the new customer. 
"Welcome to Whitacre cafe! I'll be with you in a moment!" He called out, not turning to face them. He put the last loaf of bread on the shelf and turned to face the customer. 

When he saw her, all the air left his lungs and the blood strained from his face. She smiled weakly and raised her hand to wave.
"Pip..." Ravi whispered
"Hi" pips voice broke.
Ravi's head was spinning. When she had left him on read, he thought it meant she didn't want him anymore. The only reason he had left his bed today was to come to work. He swallowed and started to open his mouth, only to realise he didn't have anything to say.
"I'm sorry I didn't text you back" the words practically gushed out of her
"I just didn't know what to say" she was talking very fast.
" and I know it's been 4 days and I'm being very rude barging into your workplace like this but I thought that if I saw you I would know what to say and I just really missed you, you know?"
She was rambling, that's what she did when she was nervous.
"and I just needed to see you because-"
"Pip" Ravi cut her off
"I've just been so confused and-"
"Pip stop"
"I thought seeing you would make me feel better because you always make me feel better-"
It became to clear to Ravi that she wasn't going to stop. He stepped around the counter and walked over to her, gaining confidence with each step.
" and I just love you so much-" Ravi cut her off my grabbing her face and crashing his lips into hers. He could feel her muscles relax as she melted into his touch. The same went for him. It had been so long since he felt the warm embrace of her lips. Oh how he had missed this.

He pushed her face away and stepped away from her. The choice was her. She would either step towards him or away from him. You could practically see the tension in the air. The air thickens and his hands became clammy. Pip slowly stepped forwards and raised herself to her tippy toes. She gingerly placed her hand on his cheek and inched her face forward. When the lips connected, his chest fluttered with butterflies.  He was ecstatic. Not because they were kissing, but because she had chosen him. His body suddenly reacted in a way it never had before. His hands flew to the back of her head, pulling her closer to him and their bodies were flush together. She raised her other hand and tangled it in his hair, slightly tugging it.  He lowered his hands to rest on her waist.  Their lips were moving tighter in a fiery passion. All their last kisses had been soft and gentle, but the moths spent apart had seemingly effected them in unexpected way.

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat from behind. Pip jumped away from him in shock and stared past him. Ravi turned around to see his boss standing behind the service counter. She raised an eyebrow at him
"This is pip" his voice broke.
His boss sighed and looked at her.
"Just get back to work. I'm leaving so it's up to you to close up" she said, oozing assertiveness. Ravi quickly nodded and waved goodbye to her.

Half an half hour later, Ravi was licking the doors to the cafe and walking to his car. Pip had left ten minutes earlier, and the two were meeting for dinner in two hours. He started his engine and pulled out of the car park, a thousand things running through his head. Would they get back together? They lived to hours away from each other, could they handle long distance? And what if she met someone from university? Ravi shook his head to clear it. He shouldn't worry. They were soulmates, always had been. Life would be so great together now they were away from little kilton, away from the mysteries and horrors. Everything would be perfect.

Ravi pulled on his jacket, went to the kitchen and grabbed his keys, wallet and phone from the counter. He walked to the mirror. I look good he said with a smirk.

He walked into the restaurant and saw her sitting at a table in a corner. A smile spread across his face as we walked over.
"Hi" she said sweetly as he leant down to kiss her
on the cheek.
"Hey" he responded, getting into his own chair.
Pip slid a menu over to him.
"Hmm.. I think I'll get the burger" he said gazing at the list of meals.
"Me too"  she responded.
"Glad we're on the same track again"

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