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" do we have any Almond milk?" Pip asked.
"I dont think so" Chloe responded "but I'm about to the store, do you want me to get some?"
"Yeah, thanks" she said and climbed onto her bed. Pip pulled her laptop from her bedside table and opened it on her lap.
"What are you doing?" The roommate asked.
"It's the weekend why in gods name are you doing homework"
"Because" pip started "I like it"
"You're a weirdo" Chloe pulled her shoes on. "Do you want everything else from the store?"
"No im good. Thank you" she smiled as her roommate walked out the door.

Our little group has always been and always will until the end...
The music blared through her headphones. Her fingers sped across the keyboard. She was in the zone.  The words were coming to her like magic, they flowed out like thickened cream. The words on the page, in her head and in the veins of her skin were what was keeping her alive. The stories were what warmed her heart. She needed them, and they needed her.


Where ever she went, people knew who she was. She heard the whispers. She saw the stares and the curious eyes. She knew what people were thinking.
That's the girl who solved the murders.
I heard she went crazy!
I heard that too.
It was true. She had gone crazy. Not in the seeing things and kicking screaming crazy. The kind of crazy in which she needs it. The adrenaline. The rush. She needs to feel. She hasn't felt in so long. She hasn't felt Ravi in so long.


"Pip, what do you think?" Professor linch called. This broke her from her trance. 
"I think the book kind of sucks to be honest" everyone's head snapped around. 
" the pride and prejudice is a classic. Why do you say that?" Professor  linch furrowed his brows.
Pip scoffed.
" there are so many books in the world, why do we still cling to these outdated books with racist and sexist themes?" Pips voice was shrill.
"Hmm. That's interesting." He checked his watch.
"Ok guys that's the end of the lesson. Remember your essays are due in Tuesday." Pip collected her things into her bag.
"Pip" her teacher called. Pip pretended she didn't see him and turned to walk away.
"Pip!" He yelled, louder this time. Pip sighed and turned to face her teacher. He motioned her over with his fingers. She pursed her lips and clopped down the stairs.
"Hello Pippa"
"Hey?" She said like a question.
"I need to talk to you about your homework"
"What about it?"
"It was very... dark." He said it like that's was all to be said.
"Is that a problem?" Pip regretted her tone. He narrowed his eyes.
"Miss fitz- Amobi, I am aware of what has happened to you. I know the horrors if your past. I know you might be struggling with PTSD, but I am your teacher. You will treat me with respect." He said it sternly. Something in pip shrink, recoiled from his words. Who was he to tell her about her past? He wasn't there.
"Well sir, the last teacher I trusted turned out to be a murderer, so excuse me if I'm not jumping at the chance to be your best friend." She was tired of this conversation. Tired of this world.  He raised his eyebrows.
"Young lady, I understand your reservations-"
"No you don't" pip snapped. A fire was raging in her chest. How dare he? How dare he say he understands when the only thing he understands is the pride and fucking prejudice?
"Ok then" he stated and turned to his desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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