Abhiraj 🔥

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I just landed in India. As pappa says it's not peaceful here. Always hustle bustle and so much noise but I am happy to be back. I just visited here thrice in these years. I left India at the age of 17 and only visited here 3 times from that time but yeah I used to call maa.

I walked towards the exit of the airport and started searching for my one and only sucker of a best friend. Then I heard a loud voice.

"Abhiiiiii...... Babyyyyy........."
Yes it's Vihaan fucking Raghuvanshi.

Everyone is looking at me and him. Oh god it's embarrassing. The media is outside and the people around are recognising me. Shit! I need to go. He ran towards me collected me in a bear hug and kissed my cheek.


I swipe my cheek and pushed him back.
"What the fuck!!! V."
"Awwww I am offended. Iam seeing my bestie after these years and he is disowning me." " Great just great !!!" He exclaimed dramatically.

Drama queen

"Well how was the journey?" He asked clinging to me.
"It was fine. How is the preparations going?" I asked pushing him away.
" Well I thought you will never come to my engagement like you never showed up when it was fixed. But I am glad that my bestie is here with me." He said excitedly.
"Oh! Even I am not here you got another one best friend na. She will look after it. What is my need?"
"Jealous much bestie?" He asked raising his brows.
" Jealous my foot!"" Are you here to get me or do I have to go on my own" I asked irritatingly.
"I am here no,come there is media outside. Put your shades on and yeah by the way she is the one handling everything already there." He said.

And it irritated me. When we were in our college he used to tell so many things about that girl. Even he used to call her every fucking day. That too video call. He tried to show me her picture but I was never interested and denied. I don't want to meet any bitch.

Well I am not jealous. It's just my possessiveness towards my friend.

"Where are you lost? Come on." He said.
"Yeah" I walked out of the airport like a king I am and stepped in my Rolls Royce.

Throughout the way to home V just talked non stop and asked me about the company in US, which I build with much effort. After a good 1 hour we reached my house. Rathore mansion.

I stepped out of the car and went towards the door. As usual there was my maa waiting with a aarthi ki thaali in her hand with a bright smile and tears in her eyes. I went towards her get her blessings and hugged her.
She did my aarthi and I get in my house. She asked about the flight and asked me to freshen up while V was flirting with my mother.

This man. I swear one day he will die with the hands of my father.

I freshened up and came downstairs, ate food which my maa made for just me but yeah V is also family so I just ignored him. Then I kept my head on her lap and laid down on the couch. While she just caressed my hair and asked me about the company and about many things.

I don't know when I slept on her lap. I don't sleep usually due to insomnia. But yeah maa is my comfort ❤️. I woke up and saw papa sitting on the couch next to mine. I stood up and greeted him touched his feet. Then maa came with her special coffee for her husband and made me some black coffee.

I looked around and realised that it was evening. I wanted to call V and ask if he need any help. While thinking this papa's voice got my attention.

"Haa papa"
"How are you?" He asked.
"I am fine papa but what is this sudden question."
"I wanted to tell you something." He said.

I know what was coming. We discussed this some weeks ago and I decided to do as he wanted.

"Haa papa."
"I am retiring. And I want to hand over the company to you." He said in a serious tone.
"Yes you told me this before too papa then why now again?"
"Poora sun toh lo." He said.
" I want you to ascend the throne of Rathores with your queen." He dropped the bomb.
"Heeeeein? Why? Why should I do that? What is the necessity? What is the reason?" I asked him.
He was calm and asked, " I was just telling. And if you have someone I will go meet her parents and we can fix everything."
"There is no rush beta." My mother said.

No shit Sherlock

"But..." I couldn't complete my sentence.
"There is no rush but we need to fix it soon if you have someone or else we will find someone." Papa said.
"Yeah. Sulaikha apa also mentioned about so many girls from good families." Maa said.
"Guys!!! Relax." "And papa what is the need to be married for ascending the throne?" I asked.
"We have been like that only from the beginning. My father also made me the emperor of our company after I married urmila. So it will continue. I also asked him the same." "Then he said that the king is only powerful when he has a queen." Papa said.

The look on their faces screamed seriousness and then I understood there is no going back now. So with a heavy heart I agreed.

"Okay then I will get married but till then I could be there in the company and help you papa and yeah you guys will not force me to do anything that I don't want." I said calmly.

My mother screamed with happiness and kissed my forehead saying, "Mera raja beta."
Father was also happy. Seeing them happy I also decided what fate will bring me.

Rest of the day passed in our family time. I never got it since my tenth standard. But yeah I am enjoying it now. I called V later at night and he said that it's all set with the help of that girl and it irked me somewhat but it's ok. I never saw her but from what I heard I didn't like her at all she is direct opposite to me.

Now why am I comparing. Urghhh I need to sleep.

Then I slept, thinking about what tomorrow brings me. Tomorrow is a Saturday and day after tomorrow is a Sunday so I will be free for one whole day. Thinking about many things never knew when I felt asleep


Hope you all like it and yeah that's all for this chapter
Lots of love
Bye ❤️

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