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Abhi's Pov

"Why are you so soft?" I asked as I snuggled more into her chest while she giggled

"These don't talk" she said caressing my hair indicating to her boobs.

"Oh really?" I asked biting her skin above the clothes

"Ouch!!! Raj" she winced

"Dekho kaise baat Kiya" I said and pecked her chest

Currently we are laying on our bed cuddling eachother. I am back after two fucking weeks at Florida. They have really messed things up there. But I solved it and now I am back. I missed this warmth of her. Her smell and everything about her. Its pat 11 at night now. I nuzzled my nose into her cleavage and closed my eyes, while she threaded my hair continuously. I sighed.

"What happened?" She asked

"I missed this. I missed you" I said pecking her heart

"I missed you too" she said kissing my head

"But I did more" I said

"Hm..... Kal agar mein aapko chodke chali gayi toh?"

She asked all of a sudden. I raised my head from her chest and glared at her daring her to say that again. She smiled and cupped my cheeks and said,

"It's true though....... What if I di-"

I didn't let her complete the sentence as I smashed my lips onto her, pulling her into an aggressive kiss. I sucked her lips vigorously with all my might and anger. I pinched her nipple making her moan into the kiss, taking the chance, I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth and bit her tongue. She again moaned. Her fingers threaded my hair and caressed my nape. I am holding her head in my hand and other on her chest. I sucked for the last time, biting her lower lip tugging it.

"Dare you repeat that and I will fuck you hard till you fucking faint"

I said glaring at her, while cupping her throat in a tight grip but not too tight to choke her breath. She gasped and replied,

"Sach hi toh bola Hain"

"Kya sach? That you will fucking d-"

I couldn't complete it. Shit!!! I can't utter that word about her. I stared at her, she cupped my cheeks and pulled me closer to her and kissed my forehead. Her lips lingering there more. I closed my eyes in content and caressed her cheek with my knuckles. She smiled at me and I took her into a hug and kissed her shoulder. Her head on my chest while our arms around each other.

"Shyams asked me to go for shopping tomorrow" she said

"Are you going?" I asked

"I don't like shopping...... It's so tiring but if I deny she will kill me" she said

"So you are going?" I asked

"Yeah...... Um..... Will you join me?" She asked

"I can't. I have meeting with the Raizadas" I said

"As in, the Ranveer Singh Raizada?" She asked and I groaned

"Why is the need to add, 'the' before his name?" I asked irritated

"Hein? Why not? He is such a smart man. A self made billionaire and hot and handsome eligible bachelor in the whole India" she said and I tightened the hold around her and gritted my teeth

I hate when she praises someone other than me.......

"Toh mein kya hoon?" I asked groaning

"Aap?" She asked

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