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Abhi's Pov

I opened my eyes and yawned. It's morning, but still dark. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my wife sleeping beside me. I sat up and looked at her.



I cursed as I saw the sight in front of me. She is sleeping. Eyes closed, lips pouted, leashes touching her chubby cheeks. Her T-shirt ridden up showing her perky nipples and her curvy waist full on display. Her Belly button asking me to bury my tongue inside it. My eyes darkened as my already hard member stirred. Her skirt ridden up showing her thick chocolate brown thigh of one leg. The quilt long gone.

She will be the death of me

I couldn't stop my fingers from tracing her stomach. My fingers trailing up to her chest from her waist band of her skirt. I graced the pad of my thumb on her nipple.


She moaned. I jerked my head to see her still in sleep. I made my lips wet with my tongue playing with her nipple between my fingers. She stirred in sleep. I withdrew my fingers and groaned.

She is asleep bitch

I mentally said and reached for her T-shirt to pull it down but as I reached near her chest, my eyes filled with her sweet brown nipples. Fuck it!!! I will do it slowly. Gently hovering over her, I kissed her left nipple and then the right one. I flicked my tongue on her nipple earning a whimper from her. I can't control. I latched onto her left nipple. Gently sucking it while kneading her right boob.

"Mmm.... Ahh!!!" She moaned

I looked up and saw her eyes still closed but breath fast and lips parted. Shit!!! I will lose it. I sucked it hardly once

"Ahhh!!!" She moaned louder

The room is not sound proof

I stopped and came above her. My breath fanning her lips. She opened her eyes. I saw her eyes, which is full of love for me.

"Good morning baby" I whispered against her mouth and pecked her lips

"Good morning" she said and I deepened the peck into a kiss

I sucked her lower lip, while we sucked my upper lip. Her hands went into my hair, while I kneaded her breast and caressed her waist. She moaned into the kiss, as I pinched her nipple, taking the chance I thrust my tongue into her mouth, tasting her.

I pulled out of the kiss as I felt her out of breath. I feathered kisses on her neck and collar bone. Then went down to her chest which is heaving up and down. I kissed her valley and then went to her nipple.


She moaned under her breath as I bit her nipple and licked it. I climbed over her and whispered against her lips.

"Don't make any sound yeah?"

She looked into my eyes and nodded. While I went back to my position and started sucking onto her nipple. She is whimpering under me. I stopped sucking her nipple and trailed my tongue down to her stomach leaving a wet trial of my saliva. I dropped many butterfly kisses on her stomach. I saw her biting her lower lip controlling the moan, while her fingers clutching my hair in a fist.

I circled my tongue around her naval teasing her. And sucked in her stomach, making her shudder. I kissed her naval again and again.

"Mmmm ahh!!"

She moaned a little louder when I thrust my tongue into her belly button. I took my hand to her mouth and teased her lips with my thumb. The pad of my thumb caressed his lips in a circular motion. I pushed my thumb in her mouth as I bite in her stomach making her muffle a moan and hiss together.

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