🦋Our little one🦋

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Abhi's Pov

"Raj..... I swear, I will cry" my wife whined

"Okay then, cry as much you want but you are not having your Pani Puri at a road side stall" I said sternly

She looked at me and her lips started wobbling. It's been two days since we got the news of our pregnancy. Today we are going to hospital for doing the ultra sound. Gyno said that it's almost two months of her being pregnant. Currently we are getting ready to go to hospital and she is making plans to eat junk food from road side stalls.

My reverie broke when I heard a sniff. I saw my wife with red eyes. Her eyes filled with tears. She blinked and pouted. I gulped seeing her acting like a child but her eyes gave me a burning sensation in my chest.

"You are so bad" she cried

Is she really crying?

"Hey hey,...... I am sorry baby" I sat beside her and tried to hug her but she yanked my hand away and sat away keeping a distance.

"Dekho meri beti keliye mein kya-....... Are you crying Ammu?"

Maa entered the room saying something but ended up asking her about her crying. She kept the plate down which she was carrying and moved to her as I stood up. She looked up and maa and more tears escaped her eyes.


"Shhh...... Kya hua?" Maa hugged her sideways and caressed her back

"Y-your son" she sobbed

"Kya Kiya tumne?" She asked, no seethed


"Meine ku-"

"Shut up..... You idiot, son of a donkey, meri bacchi ko rula diya" she shouted at me cutting me off and caressed her cheeks wiping her tears

"But she wanted Pani Puri. It's un-"

"And Pani Puri is not poison for god's sake Mr Abhiraj Prathap Singh Rathore. You will feed my baby whatever she wants. You understand" she stood up and pointed her finger at me glaring into my soul.

What happened to my sweet maa?

"It's unhealthy and bad-"

"Do you understand?" She stressed cutting me off

"Y-yes maa" I said looking down at my feet

Oh god!!!! Even at this age, I am hell scared of my mother when she is angry.

"It's okay beta, when you come back from hospital, he will feed you whatever you want, or else you tell me. I will fix his bloody brain" she said dangerously

"Okay maa" my wife said wiping her cheeks and smiled at her.

Just now she was crying......

"But not too much hmm? It's really unhealthy to eat junk food too much" she said

"Okay not too much just some" Amu said hugging maa

"This was the same thing I was saying" I said throwing my hands in air

"But you denied the whole plan" she said pouting

"It's unhealthy" I said firmly

"But only this much" she showed her finger nail.

"Or else I will-"

"You will what?" Maa asked raising her eyebrows and keeping her hands on her hips

"I will......hehe.... I will.....um..... Maa I think papa is calling you"

"I didn't hear that" she said

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