💮 Chapter IV 💮

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No One's POV...

At the University of Durham, Adrian was writing something on a board about the *Definition and Characteristics of Animals.* after writing and explaining for like 35 minutes, Adrian finally finished with his work.

"Well, since today is our first time meeting, why don't we end our classes here everyone? I didn't see one of your friends there. Lucien Atwood if I'm not mistaken, is he absent today?" Then one of the students raised his hand and said, "Profesor!" "What's the matter, Tate?" Adrian notices that Tate looks nervous.

"Professor, he...he is sick today." But Adrian knows that was a lie. "Sick? Well, that was unexpected. Maybe after my work here is done, I will visit him." "There's, no need to professor. Because his at his mansion resting." "Alright then, Tate. Thank you, I'm glad to hear that."

Adrian left the classroom, put his belongings into his bag, and walked towards the lecture room. To find more information about Lucien.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind I need a book about Tate Percival and Lucien Atwood. It's very important. " Adrian informed one of the lectures. "Alright, as you wish. Tate Percival and Lucien Atwood, yes?" Adrian nodded when the lecture left Adrian. He notices that someone is watching him.

After thanking the lecturer Adrian left outside to find someplace to read the book. At outside Adrian opened the books and started to read.

"So, Lucien is the heir to Atwood Viscounty, a noble family of over 2 centuries. Tate as well, so both of them are heirs to aristocratic families, I see." After reading the book, Adrian noticed someone was standing beside him. "Good afternoon Professor Moriarty, how are you today?" And yes, it was William, William James Moriarty.

"Good afternoon, Professor Windsor, and I am fine thank you. And it looks like you've got the book I need for." Adrian chuckles and says, "Well, it looks like I won this round. So did Tate tell you about Lucien?" "Yes, he looks quite nervous when I tell him that. How about we both visit Tate and Lucien at their dormitory?" Adrian agreed, after returning the book and thanking the lecturer, Adrian and William went straight to the student's dormitory.

In the hallway, they both heard someone sneezing, Adrian knocked on the door Tate opened the door when he saw who was at the door, he looked so shocked. "Yes? Uh, professor Moriarty...professor Windsor!?" "That was quite the sneeze. We heard it outside the door, have you been looking after Lucien and caught his cold from him?" William asked, making Tate look more nervous than before.

"Quite possibly." Adrian walks to Lucien's bed, Tate tries to stop the Biology professor, but it's too late. As Adrian rubs his hand on Lucien's bed, the professor knows that Lucien has not even slept there. "There is no sign that this bed has been slept for some time, you should start talking, quickly. And it looks like Professor Moriarty was going to kill you. " Adrian points his finger to the mathematics professor when Tate turns his head around, Tate feels like his soul has left his body.

"Professor Windsor is correct, right now I am a hundredfold more cross than you may think." Tate has no choice but to tell the truth about Lucien. "So Lucien has not been home in three days?" William asked Tate, leaning against the table, while Adrian sat on the chair.

"There have been times when he would go behind the housemaster's back, stay out all night, and sneak back in the next morning, but he has never done this before. So this has made me rather worried, prompting me to go to the pub where Frida, the waitress for whom he heads over heels, works." As Tate continues his story, "If there is anyplace he would spend the night, I expect it would have to be her place."

"I see, that would explain your sneezing. However, for you to receive such a harsh welcome without warning, there may have been some trouble beforehand." Adrian says, looking at Tate who has his head down in worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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