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"The Kingdom of Beasts" Chapter 1

The cat taken away by the tiger

 When Qiao Mi was conscious, she was no longer a human being. To be precise, she became a cat...

 In the biting cold wind, she shivered from the cold and huddled under the heavy snow. Under the branches of the small pine branches, fortunately, the heavy snowstorm had stopped at this time, and the remaining snow on the ends of the branches fell on her head.

 The flying snow turned into freezing water and quickly seeped into her fur. She couldn't help but tremble because of the ice. She stretched out her hand... and rubbed it with her paws. She was already a little collapsed.

 Half an hour ago, she was a young high school student. Half an hour later, she turned into a stupid cat lost in a snowstorm!

 At first, she simply thought that the world had become huge. If it weren't for the two fluffy cat paws waving when she was digging the snow, she would have almost believed it. When his eyes were focused, he could vaguely see the pink cat nose hanging with ice particles.

 "Meow!" The distress signal she screamed from deep in her heart turned into a weak meow when it came to her mouth. It still sounded like a little kitten, which was pitiful and heartbreaking.

 Damn it, I don't understand the language anymore.

 It was freezing and snowy, and she really didn't have the courage to leave her current shelter. The most important thing was that she hadn't been able to accept the reality of walking on four legs!

 She didn't know how long she waited, but when she was so cold that she lost consciousness as she pressed her belly against the ice and snow, an unknown creature finally appeared on the hillside in the distance. Because the light refracted by the white snow in the sky was too dazzling, she was stunned for a moment. It's not very clear either.

 "Meow meow meow!" She used her last strength to cry out for help, praying that it would be someone, a kind-hearted shit shoveler.

 Soon, when she saw the shadow clearly, Qiao Mi had the intuition that God might not have arranged for her to pass through the protagonist's halo of destiny.

 She had seen large carnivores like tigers in the zoo, but this was the first time she had seen such a huge solid-colored white tiger. If it hadn't lowered its head, it revealed a vague domineering " "King", she thought it was some new species.


 She whimpered weakly and kept shrinking back behind the tree trunk. It was so powerful that the warm breath blowing out of its nose could fly away the snow around her.

 It seemed to be looking at her. The slightly bent tiger head remained motionless, and the oppressive eyes of the beast's brown light were so oppressive that she simply couldn't bear it.

 They are both cats. It is the king standing at the top of the food chain, while she is the weak one at the bottom. She is naturally afraid of the pressure from the strong.

 Qiao Mi had no choice but to hide. The three-finger-thick pine tree was a big tree to her, but to it it couldn't be any smaller. When the messy treetops blocked her weak cat body, , it hummed slightly dissatisfiedly, vaguely revealing its sharp teeth.


 Its huge claws actually clawed at her, and Qiao Mi managed to avoid it. The claws were so lethal that they left a terrifying deep hole one centimeter away from her, frightening her. They were all hairy and thought they were going to be used as cat meat to satisfy their hunger.

 She spread her four paws and ran into the wind and snow. This move undoubtedly angered the big tiger. The paws it swung down again directly broke the small pine tree where Qiao Mi was sheltering from the wind without any effort.


 It howled low, and the deafening volume made Qiao Mi's limbs go weak in fright, and he almost got stuck in the snow and couldn't pull out his claws.

 As a result, a very strange scene took place in the snow deep in the mountains. A white cat struggled to meow and crawl in the snow, followed closely by a big white tiger, chasing after it leisurely, as if it was playing. Cat and mouse trick.

 It wasn't until the cat couldn't run anymore that the big white tiger slowly dug her out of the snow, lowered his head and opened his mouth full of huge teeth... and picked her up gently.


 Qiao Mi was awakened by the heat. Unlike the nightmare where she was eaten by a big white tiger, she was actually sleeping under its belly. The thick tiger fur covered her securely, absorbing all the energy from the tiger. The hot temperature of its body.

 Perhaps it was because she had slept so comfortably this time. The cat's chin, which she rested on its front paws, was still spitting out its pink and tender tongue. It whined softly instinctively, and the soft and waxy tongue trembled slightly, which was very heartbreaking.

 It was looking at her with its tiger head sideways. It was probably attracted by the cuteness. The cold eyes of the beast dimmed, and it opened its mouth. Before she had time to react, the huge tiger tongue licked her palm-sized cat face.

 When it retracted its tongue with satisfaction, her snowy cat face was already wet, and the exposed pink tongue was covered with its saliva...

 Qiao Mi: "!!!" So disgusting ~

 due to its aggressiveness With a scary look, she secretly retracted her tongue into her mouth and swallowed subconsciously. The portion that belonged to it did not have too much carnivorous smell.

 Later, Qiao Mi discovered that she had been carried into a cave by a big white tiger, which was probably its den. Without the raging snowstorm, she finally saved the cat's life.

 At first, she was a little afraid that she would be used as a reserve food by the tiger, but gradually she realized that this was not the case. First of all, she had never seen it eat during the few days they were together; secondly, when she was about to die of hunger, it picked up a milking sheep from somewhere and let her suck its milk.

 At first, Qiao Mi didn't quite accept this way of eating, but after being hungry for a long time, he couldn't help but forget some of his human instincts.

 Day after day, she and the big white tiger lived peacefully together. Most of the time, it would sit in the corner of the cave with its eyes closed and rest in peace. If Qiao Mi, who had gained some weight, was sleepy, he would behave obediently. She crawled into its arms to sleep, and it seemed to like her doing so.

 Less than half a month later, the sun begins to shine in the deep mountains, and the snow gradually begins to melt, indicating the arrival of spring.

 When green grass sprouts emerged one after another from the residual snow at the entrance of the cave, something magical happened.

 "Kitten, come here."

 The big white tiger, who had not opened his eyes for three consecutive days, opened his mouth to speak when he woke up and looked at Qiao Mi playing grass ball in the corner! !

 Different from the terrifying tiger roar it usually made, this deep male voice was so sweet that Qiao Mi fell into a trance when he heard it. He flattened the grass balls that had finally grown under his body and watched blankly as it propped up its huge tiger body. , occupying a small half of the cave.

 Then, a bright light flashed.

 Where the white tiger was standing just now, a slender figure suddenly appeared. The man was about two meters tall, with flowing white hair and naked body...

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