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Stay a while and we'll dance together now

As the light is falling

We'll reel away 'til the break of day

And dance together 'til morning

"I'm too sad to cry that I started to smile"

LOOKING at Zoro, saw that his breathing was slow, but at least he was breathing.

Dede sighed and leaned forward, rubbing the side of his face to eliminate the headache that threatened to explode his skull.

Roronoa, you're an idiot ─the albino shook his head and rested his arms on his legs─. I mean, you really took advantage of the opportunity you had and- here you are- well... dying.


I'm not even sure what to tell you right now, but the words keep coming out of my mouth ─he put his hands on his head as he rubbed his eyes─. You know what? After you were knocked out, I challenged Mihawk and he broke my swords too, but now I have an axe... don't ask why, I don't know either. Plus, now I have a scar to match yours... Cool, right?

He waited a few minutes, with each passing second he expected to hear some sort of annoyed growl or even the slightest response.

But nothing came out of him.

Asshole... ─he muttered, getting up from the wooden floor and walking a little towards him─. If you even listened to the old man, I just want you to know, there's no way in hell I'm singing a sea song to you. But he also said to tell you stories, so...

He made himself comfortable, sitting on the side of the bed.

You once asked me where I got my scars... ─he used his right hand to trace the scar that adorned the corner of his lip─. And I told you it was an accident from my town, and while that's true, that's not... how I got this scar.

He spoke slowly and with an uncertain tone. He hadn't told anyone about the Whittakers before.

His people, his tribe, his clan.

So, saying it once again to an unconscious person, who collected bounties for a living, made him a little hesitant.

The truth is, I don't really remember when I had them... but I can remember how ─he stared at the blue of the ocean from the nearby window─. Right now I'm supposed to be the avenger of my people, my family... until I kill the man who... who made my whole life fall apart. Supposedly, he killed every living thing on the island, including burning plants and animals. Bah.

He turned to Zoro, his body still.

He looked almost dead.

Which, I think, is apart of the reason why I need you to live, and why I care so much about you. You have your whole life ahead of you and there's no one to stop you from expecting yourself, and if you're going to dive headfirst into everything you want to do with little reasoning and planning... there's very little chance you'll be able to complete it.

He ran a hand through his albino hair, grazing the small scar on his forehead.

So live your life. Train to be the best swordsman in the world, work harder every day until you can confidently say that you have worked hard enough. Because you are free.

He got out of bed, as if he was going to wake up at that moment.

So, if you die, out of pure recklessness and stubbornness, by attacking your dream in such haste, I will bring you back to life and then I will hate you. So live, train, and then... be who you want to be.

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