Chapter 4-Justice of the Eunwoo's

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Several months later after Leonor and Orm in a relationship,they decided to move on to the next chapter of their life.They had their preparations ready and so on.Orm has proposed Leonor and set their wedding venues on the island above Atlantis so that he could invite the surface dwellers too.Everyones life goes smoothly however Mieya is worried about Kim's changes of behaviour lately.He is quieter and has a frequent headache all of the sudden but he is still himself.


Ultimately, The wedding day of Orm and Leonor is finally here and the island above Atlantis is perfectly decorated with flowers,trees,and bushes all around as all the citizens of Atlantis and the invited guests from the surface world were all there including Mieya,Kim,Rin,Ravenna and Lya.Everyone now were all filled with joy and excitement and everyone were now waiting as for Leonor to walk on the aisle towards the wedding alter where Orm is standing with the priest.

Everyone now were all filled with joy and excitement and everyone were now waiting as for Leonor to walk on the aisle towards the wedding alter where Orm is standing with the priest

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-The wedding priest spoke with a happy tone to start the wedding ceremony-

Priest: We all have gather here today to witness the marriage between Princess Leonor and Prince Orm Marius.Today they both stand united and they both will stand for the rest of their lives.So let us commence this beautiful and magical ceremony right now.

-Arthur,Queen Atlanna and Mera watches Orm from their seats and claps.The claps gets even louder when Mieya and her friend claps along with the others-

As the priest keeps on doing the ceremony and the wedding march starts playing in the background,Leonor begin walking towards Orm with the bouquet and her father,King Allin beside her while Orm looks at her smiling and his hands are folded in his chest ready to receive her now.When she reach to Orm,he finally lets go of his hands and he suddenly stands up and grabs both her hands with a wide smile on his face as he speaks to her with a happy and affectionate tone while the music is still playing in the background.

Orm: And now Princess Leonor,I am here to promise you that I will take care of you and love you and I will love you no matter what. So will you promise to be mine forever?

Leonor:Yes my prince,I do..!

*Her tears started dripping in happiness*

-Leonor is overwhelmed with this weeding.She is now belongs to the man that she truly loves-

Orm:I will make sure to be the best husband you have ever had and I will treat you like the beautiful and wonderful queen that you are.

Priest:Now both of you are officially husband and wife.You both may now embrace!

-Orm gently pulls her close and leans in and the two of them finally share the passionate kiss that they have been holding out for such a long time now.He finally finishes the kiss-

-Mieya stand up from her seat and claps as hard as she could as a sign of joy and the other invitees claps along as well.Arthur is way to emotional when he saw Orm and Leonor embracement as a husband and wife-

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