•the wedding•

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Michelle's Pov:

Emily and I have already sorted the wedding out, we haven't told anyone yet, except family which has been the hardest thing ever but today the invitations should be delivered to everyones houses. We did invited a lot of people to be fair but they're all super close and good friends. Like we invited:

Riley, James, West, Eldon, Stephanie, Giselle, Amanda, Thalia, Richelle, Noah, Piper, Kate, Nick, Chloe, Daniel and some other a-troupers who we've known in the past.

Something Emily and I did have a fight about was who'd each others maid of honour would be, see i wanted Riley as she's my best friend and obviously Em did because they're sisters. At this point i had no clue who to choose so we talked it out and now Emilys maid of honour is Stephanie and mine is Riley.

The wedding is this Sunday so in 4 days but luckily we've got it all set up and ready to go, we decided to have our wedding on the beach where Emily proposed to me as that spot on the beach will hold many memories. I just hope it will be a nice and sunny day. Then i hear my phone ring, its Nick. I haven't talked to him in a while to i call Emily over so she can say hi to.

"Em its Nick!." Emily walks over then i answer the call, its on face time so i hope i don't look hideous. Then the screen loads and i see the whole of a-troupe there as well.

everyone: "Congratulations!." I smile and let out a giggle.

Emily: "Thank you guys."

Richelle: "What does the ring look like?." I show my finger to the camera. "No surprise that it has a pink gem."

Emily: "I know i'm an expert at picking rings out."

Nick: "So do you have your dresses?!"

"We actually both have an appointment tomorrow at different times."

Nick: "Thats great! sorry to cut this short but we have to go."

"Thats okay, bye see you Sunday!." i hang up the call.

Emily: "Now James is calling me, i would've thought Ri would've told him." Emily answers the phone.

James: hey Emily, i've thought long and hard about this. Can i be a bridesmaid?.

"James you've got to be kidding."

James: Nope, i just feel excluded.

Emily: Seriously James, we have our bridesmaids both picked out for us.

"Maybe we should let him Em." It will be different having a male as a bridesmaid.

Emily: Mich i know you want to please everyone but seriously.

"He can be my bridesmaid." Emily sighs.

James: I must correct you 'brides-man'

Emily: Fine.

---------------------the next day-----------------

Michelle's Pov:

i'm walking out with the last wedding dress, i've got my mum, Riley, Giselle and Amanda with me. I stand on a small circle which is a bit higher up and look in the mirror, i love it. I then turn around to show the girls. Then the women puts the vail on my head which reaches the floor.

"What do you think?"

mum: I love it Michelle.

Riley: This is the one.

Giselle: If you don't purchase that i'm going rouge.

Amanda: Perfect dress for you.

Riley: 1000%, i mean it has pink lace as well.

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