What if Nail won Season 2? Mini story

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Chalky and Nail were fighting in the radio room. Nail then ended up on the windowsill.

"Chalky, please let me back up!" Nail exclaimed. "I...uhh.."

*Use Your Mind, Chalky.*

"Im sorry nail, but your opportunity of winning has..huh?" Chalky turned to see nail was right at the desk. "Too late." He said. Chalky then fell off the window, hurting himself.

"Alright..here goes." Nail said, clicking the red button.

"Excuse me citizens of this city, this is the Nail Radio reporting LIVE! Chocolate Bar has been trying to destroy our competition, but we escaped! We're asking for your help to put him in jail, and not us. Thank you!"

Nail then got Chalky, and helped him.
"Hey, I'm so sorry about dropping you down the window. I just..really wanted to win I guess."

"Its ok."

Everyone cheers and celebrates because nail wins.

😭 The end. (149 words)

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