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Aliens and sorcerers

VENOM FRANTICALLY SEARCHED AROUND S.H.I.E.L.D'S HEADQUARTERS, throwing stuff violently across the room when it got in his way, his mind set on only one thing.

He could feel the energy of electricity close by, and he wanted it more than anything. He was usually much faster at fulfilling any task he wanted, but the host he had chosen this time was difficult for him to get used to. He dragged his temporary body along the rooms, growing frustrated with how long it was taking him to get the work done.

He made his way down to lower levels, feeling the energy becoming stronger as he did so, but he could sense someone nearby, and he heard footsteps rapidly approaching. He needed to speed up before his opportunity would be lost. The person trailing him was getting closer, quicker than he expected, and he wondered how they were doing it. He had never encountered a faster organism than himself before. He found himself standing above another set of stairs, hesitating before taking a step forward but was immediately pulled back up by the back of the hoodie he forgot he was wearing. He found himself staring into the cold eyes of an unfamiliar man. He had such a brutal stare, that he almost felt intimidated by him, but he knew he could take him on if it came to that.

''Peter. Snap out of it,''

Venom let out a quiet grumble, not breaking eye contact with the man before him. He couldn't let whoever this was through to Peter, it would ruin everything. He grabbed the man's arm attempting to break free from his grip, but surprisingly met his match in strength. He saw the man's arm glisten slightly in the dimly lit room and realized it was made out of some sort of metal. He pulled harder, earning a hard punch from the man, knocking him to the ground. He attempted to push himself back up but the man's foot planted itself on his back, pinning him down. Venom met his eyes, trying to figure out who this man was, but he had never seen him before. He knew he was out of luck for now. 

Venom released control over the body to Peter, whose eyes widened in confusion at the sight of Bucky towering over him, ''Hey- Mr Barnes, wait!"

Bucky looked down at him, slightly puzzled, but softened when he realised it was just Peter, ''Sorry kid. Alien problem,'' he reached his metal hand down to peter, offering to help him up and Peter grabbed it gratefully, 

''Sorry man,'' Peter mumbled, upset by the fact he couldn't control it again. 

Bucky nodded sympathetically, gesturing for him to follow him back up to the main floor. They both entered the door, both Nick and Sam waiting for them to arrive. Peter wasn't sure what to think of the way the two were looking at him right now, but at least they knew it wasn't entirely his fault.

''I guess we shouldn't leave our visit to Stephen any longer then, hm?'' Fury piped up.

Peter looked at him nervously, ''Yeah..'' he was a little reluctant to agree, but he knew it was better safe than sorry.

____ 🕷 ____

Peter, Sam, Bucky and Nick entered The Sanctum Sanctorum, all looking around in awe. It was eerily silent, and they were beginning to think no one was around, but then a cough was heard from the top of the staircase. Peter was the first to look up, met with the curious eyes of Dr Strange. 

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