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Catching the spider

BUCKY, FURY, STEPHEN, AND SAM WERE IN PURSUIT OF VENOM. They darted through the maze of machinery, scanning every gap, in fear for what consequences may ensue if they fail to capture him. Suddenly, Bucky's keen eyes caught a glimpse of a blur and the sound of a thud hitting the ground. He knew that he had finally caught up to his target. He walked toward the sound and took notice of one of the machines lying on the ground with tiny sparks coming out of it. He glanced around the area, finally catching sight of Venom and they both stared at one another in a tense silence. Venom was the first to pounce, but Bucky was prepared for it, he sent him flying back with a punch. Venom let out a growl, picking himself back up, and approached Bucky again with a new-found strength. Bucky got into a fighting stance, taking a quick look back as he heard Sam sprint up the scene, proceeding to stand by his side, ready for whatever Venom was planning. Venom threw a strong fist at Bucky, and kicked Sam to the side, who let out a frustrated groan in response. Bucky counter-attacked, hitting him in the jaw, and Venom lifted a hand to console the pain, not taking his eyes off his target. He sprinted forward, sending Bucky back with a kick to the stomach, and shot a web toward the direction of Sam, who was just about to hit him with his shield. Venom took a few steps back, as Sam repositioned the shield, and threw it in his direction. Venom stuck out a hand, taking it in his grasp, his mouth curving into a grin as his eyes narrowed. He took both sides of the shield and lifted his leg to the middle to snap it in half as Sam watched in dismay. Bucky walked toward Sam, an unsure look on his face. With both Peter and Venom's strength combined, they weren't sure if they were a match for him. 

Venom let the shield fall to his feet, and it shattered to pieces beneath him. He took no interest in it anymore as he walked slowly toward the two Avengers. Sam and Bucky gave each other another look, hoping to cooperate better this time. Venom sent a web flying toward Bucky's metal arm, who easily ripped it apart once it landed on him. Venom let out a dissatisfied sigh shooting another one at Bucky's feet, and kicked him backward--turning to Sam, ducking to the ground, and kicking the feet from under him, watching in amusement as he fell to the ground. Bucky ran toward him, swinging a hard punch to the side of his skull, and Venom groaned as the tiniest bit of blood trickled from a now open wound.  He violently retaliated and proceeded to shoot another web at Both of Bucky's hands, closing them together, preventing any movement. He stood still, looking at both struggling men in satisfaction. Suddenly Sam smiled a little, and Venom looked down at him, puzzled. Before he could figure out why the sudden change in the attitude of the man, he was hit hard in the back of the head with something unknown.

Bucky and Sam looked over at Stephen and Fury who had finally arrived at the scene. Fury looked at both men in amusement, smiling away to himself, as he dropped the crowbar he held in his hand, ''I thought you two had that? So much for earth's mightiest heroes,'' he teased.

Bucky groaned, snapping the web around his arms in half--walking over to help Sam to his feet. 

''Says the one who only interfered at the last moment,'' Sam replied, using Bucky's hand to pull himself up.

They all turned their gazes to Peter, who lay still on the ground below them.

''What will we do about him?'' Sam inquired, turning to Fury, and crossing his arms.

''We need to keep him somewhere secure. Peters not able to handle controlling this thing,'' Fury replied.

''And then we'll get the spell prepared,'' Strange added.

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