Part 58: Basketball 🏀

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Blume joined a theatre group in her school with her friend, Schön. It was every Thursday afternoon, the same time with basketball club. Therefore, she could see Disco.

One day, there was a basketball competition, CI vs 138T. Blume really wanted to say "good luck." But the other joked by saying ,"with you, the team will lose." At 4, Blume got a news that CI team has won. She's also proud.

On the next day, Blume heard that there was a basketball competition between CI and DH located close to her house. So she texted Disco.

"Is there a competition between CI and DH?" asked Blume. DH School is her best friend's school, Schatz.

"Yes," answered him.

"I hate this kind of text, fuckin' short," thought her.

Curtly Blume asked "When?"

He answered "10."

She asked him again "until?" and he just answered, "sorry, idk."

"Oh well, now he really shows that he doesn't like me. He must love Froh, right?" thought her.
February 8th, 2021

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