Part 81: Meeting 🖥️

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It was a day that technical meeting was held. Blume, as the vice, would do the presentation. But Zart was still with her and also Schön because she was the secretary. Each classleader or the representative were expected to attend that meeting. But some weren't present, Morgen also wasn't there yet. Blume wanted to wait for him, but Zart said, "let's start it Blume."

This was the first time Blume talked in the public. Well, she usually did it when there was presentation in the class, but he she'd never done it in front of the strangers(?). The only things that she could do is thinking of them all as the stones.

It almost finished, but suddenly Morgen came. Blume stopped her presentation seeing Morgen walking into the room and sat down.

"Because someone has just arrived, we'll repeat the presentation one more time, from the beginning. Please Blume!" said Zart. She turned to Zart quickly.

Schön who saw that was just smiling, she knew that Zart wanted to help Blume like : "Blume, he'll pay attention on you, take that chance."

Blume was so shy, but she tried to keep herself normal. "Everything will be alright," thought her.

After that, Blume asked, "any questions?"

Morgen raised his hand. "Yes please," said Blume.

"For whom are poetry competitions held?" asked him. "poetry writing competition is for students, while the teachers will take part in a poetry reading competition," said Blume.

"The poetry that the teachers read are the best poetry of the students," added Zart. He knew that Blume was really nervous to talked to her crush.

"It's clear, thank you," said Morgen.
February 12th, 2021

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