Part 80: Insta Story

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Blume followed Morgen's insta since September 2017. At that time, he always viewed her stories. Everytime she made stories, he made it too. But since the end of September, Blume didn't see Morgen as her viewers and it made her upset. Blume remembered what Edel said to her, about Morgen asking that she's Edel's friend. Since then, he hadn't seen her stories anymore. She was so frustrated because she was afraid if Morgen knew that she likes him and he wants to ignore her.

Her friends was like : "wtf, r u crazy? Just because he didn't view your story?" "You're too much," "why r u so overthinking?" "Don't worry he's still alive, let's go to his classroom now!"

One day, she posted her pic with Schatz, her best friend. Morgen liked that. "Omg! Schatz!! Look, for the first time he likes my post," said her excitedly.

She screenshotted that notification and updated it on her private insta. She captioned it : "finally, for the first timeeee!!!!"

A few days later, she just realized that her history book was Morgen's before. She knew it from the first page of the book, there was a name : "Morgen S, 2Sc1." She updated on her public insta story. She took a pic of it (just the cover) and typed : "it's not about the book, but who's the previous owner?"

And guess, whaatt??? Morgen saw that!!! "Does he realize that it's his book?" thought Blume.
February 12th, 2021

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