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When the carriage comes to its final stop in front of the wide, sprawling steps leading up to the Playhouse's main entrance there's an uncomfortable moment as I realise I ain't got the first clue what the actual protocol is here. I'm the bodyguard, not an actual servant per say, but technically I'm still s'posed to be subservient to Shay since she is the noble here, 'least in theory. When I look to her she just looks right back at me, her eyes a good deal wider'n mine, and I realise she's just come to the same realisation, without the first clue what to do either. So I suck in a wary breath and just err on the side of caution all the same after all, springing to my feet and opening the door so I can jump down even as a pair of attendants arrive to do it for me. They both spring back as I appear, taking me in with noticeable surprise, and I jump down with little more than a tightening jaw as I turn back to the interior of the vehicle.

It's a big enclosed wagon, not unlike the large traveling coaches that shuttle paying passengers across large stretches of the wild country between towns and cities throughout Rundao, but this one is a whole lot fancier than any I seen before. The bench seating inside is a whole lot more plush for a start, soft upholstered cushions lined in thick velvet instead of thinly-padded leather, and there's even a covered bar which we were both loath to touch, preferring to keep ourselves sharp for now. Lots o' room, too, but the fact it was nonetheless clearly intended just for the pair of us spoke volumes about the kind of disconcerting wealth we're dealing with and its unavoidable psychology.

Shay hated it right away, but then when I suggested she just use it to get into character for what we're about she got a whole lot more introspective. Now as I lean back in I find her taking a deep breath of her own to compose herself as she pushes up off her perched seat and takes hold of my offered hand with just the slightest tightening of her brow to show any consternation. As I guide her through the doorway and then start to help her down like I seen other bodyguards do for their wealthy charges in the past, she lets the breath go and manages to compose herself the rest o' the way. By the time I got her settled on the packed gravel of the circular drive she's managing a pretty good approximation of aloof.

When I turn to regard the driver, perched up on his high seat with the reins in hand, he catches my eye for a loaded moment and casts a subtle nod, then just turns away as he cracks his whip above the four-strong horse-team and they start to hustle the carriage away again. The two attendants are still hovering close by, I see now, and I give 'em both a suitably hard glare, my hand resting on Hefdred's hilt, hoping they'll get the message and just bugger off. Thankfully they ain't too slow on the uptake.

There's others making their way inside ahead of us, while more carriages are rolling in behind us, as well as more than one palanquin, I notice, weird little boxes folk sit inside that large men carry between them on long poles. I get the impression these are for even richer folk than those who prefer to use carriages, although I really don't understand the why behind that. Mostly it just seems vaguely ridiculous to me. There's also nobles who seem to prefer to ride up on their own horses, and I find myself admiring that a lot more, if I'm honest. These seem like the folk that have their heads actually screwed on right.

As Shay smooths her skirts down again and adjusts the lie of her shawl, I raise my arm the way I seen done in the past, offering it up in such a way that, when she finally works out what I'm doing, gives a rather short nod and lays her own hand across my wrist. I give my own clipped nod in return and, as she lifts her chin high like Lady Naru instructed her before, start to lead the way up the stairs, conspicuously making the effort to help her up as we go.

'Least she's a lot better in the heels than I was expecting her to be. Maybe it's just that inherent, uncanny grace in her elven blood, just kicking in automatic the moment her balance was threatened. I remember seeing her face fall when Lady Naru crafted the boots, seeing those four inch stilettos and starting to protest immediately, suddenly terrified cuz she'd never even tried wearing anything like that before. Way more'n the corset, definitely, 'least once she had it on and realised it didn't actually have to be laced up that tight after all. Ultimately I was the one who started having trouble with that, really having to work to keep my mind off what it was very obviously doing to her chest ...

NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY: The Adventures of the Creeping Bam (BOOK 4: The Hunt)Where stories live. Discover now