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Given how we started, looks like we're making real good progress here. Using the directions Sal coughed up after the interrogation we were able to draw up a pretty legible map that, with only a few little niggles that could be put down to simple error of recollection, has served us real well so far. Dumoli's been guiding us along, using his own impressive dwarven nightvision to read it without the need for any actual torchlight that might give us away, but then it helps we're all comfortable in the dark down here. Even so, I've taken the lead the whole way, purely cuz I'm a lot better at scouting for traps than the dwarf, thanks to my Guild training. Nothing's presented itself yet, but I'm being wary all the same, figuring it's better to be safe than sorry right now.

Krakka's the only one who's been having any trouble with the journey, but Tulen's been holding his hand the whole way, guiding him along very much at his insistence. He's been muttering low under his breath most o' the way, asking for guidance from Serena, and I suspect that might be helping a bit, since he ain't stumbled once the whole way, not even when the going's gotten tough. Like navigating sewage streams and low-hanging pipelines, even the odd unexpected drop-off I've a mind to have a little word with Sal about when we get back. If we do, anyway.

Then Dumoli looks round the next corner before pulling back to peruse the map, and points to the right-hand passage of the three routes we been presented with. I take my own look down now and it ain't until I'm starting to lean in low that I spot it ...

"Oh ... yeah, wait here." I breathe it low, but it carries well enough down here, so much I can't help a little grimace as I hold up a warning hand right after and shift just enough to look further down the tunnel ahead o' me now. Listening for any sign we might've been rumbled, if there is anybody waiting.

Nothing changes, I hear nothing but the subtle trickle of water from behind us, maybe more ahead. Nothing shifts in the deep gloom ahead, and I instead slowly return my attention to the spiderwebbing-fine strand of gossamer thread strung from one side of the passage to the other, barely three inches above the floor. Comfortable ankle height to catch by anyone who might blunder through without checking first. In other words anyone who don't have the kinda training we get in the Guild.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I lean back on my coiled haunches and turn to give Dumoli a sidelong glance. "How much further?"

Frowning deep, the dwarf squints down at the scrap of paper in his hands, lips pursing as he starts to interpret the somewhat crude map scrawled on it. "From the look of this, not much. We seem to be getting close."

"Course we are. Honestly, I'm surprised they let us get this close without any surprises." I look past him now, seeing the others starting to cluster behind Dumoli, peering out the best they can to try and find out what's happening. Krakka just blinks in the near perfect darkness, his beady dark eyes catching mine entirely by accident. "Okay, just ... wait here. Do not move from this spot until I say it's safe, you got me?"

His frown deepening, the dwarf folds the map closed enough to tuck it under his belt, picking up his hammer so he can lean it against his shoulder, and gives me a curt nod. "Sure. Just be careful."

This time I fight off the urge to wince, hoping he ain't tempting fate with that request, and just give him a little pat on his well-armoured shoulder. Turning back, I lean back to have another look at the lie of the passage ahead, this time watching out for secondary tripwires as I take my first, tentative step closer. Very wary indeed, now. Given who we're dealing with I don't like to think what could be in store for us here.

Whoever set this, looks like they're going easy on us right now, all things considered. This ridiculously fine wire is real hard to see, I barely caught it just cuz I was actually looking for it, but even so it would've been pretty easy for 'em to lay two or three more further along. Whatever poor bastard managed to miss this would've blundered into 'em completely blind after tripping the first one and made things so much worse for whoever else was with 'em, I don't doubt. Which would be exactly what I'd expect from Vandryss.

NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY: The Adventures of the Creeping Bam (BOOK 4: The Hunt)Where stories live. Discover now