The Circus - 1

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I sat on a wooden crate, waiting for my turn to go on stage. I am to juggle 4 apples, but I have only practiced twice. Both failed attempts...

Blitzo, my friend, sat besides me, comforting me in his own way. The mentioning of blood and death threw me off the juggling act and look at Blitzo with an annoyed look.

"Not everything has something to do with blood and decay, Blitzo." I spoke, looking down at the dirt floor.

Blitzo huffed and crossed his arms, mumbling a few words. His father walked by and reminded us that we are to be performing soon. Nervously, I sighed and placed my hands on my lap. Blitzo handed me one of his toy horses, I smiled at him.

I jumped off the crate and went down onto my knees, getting dirt on my clown outfit. I placed the toy horse on the crate and began making horse noises. Blitzo grinned and ran away, he soon came back with another toy horse. He fell to his knees and also began playing with the horse, on the crate.

"My name is Prince bottomshire! I am your ruler and you need to bow down." Blitzo spoke, imitating the toy horse.

"I bow down to no one." I laughed, moving the toy horse away from Prince Bottomshire.

"Bow now or you'll die!"

"I'd rather die than bow to a guy like you." I put on a girly voice, snickering at how stupid it was.

"Guards!" Blitzo called out. "Kill her! And make it slow and painful, I want to watch the blood pour down and form a puddle." Blitzo laughed like a witch and I grimaced at him.

"Ewww!" I laughed.

Blitzo made his toy horse move towards mine. He threw the horse onto mine, causing my hand to move away.

"Fine, I'll kill her myself!" Blitzo poured ketchup on the toy horse.

"Where did you get that from?" I asked, looking around to find a place where ketchup would be kept.

"None of your business." Blitzo poked his tongue out and laughed.

The owner of the circus, Blitzo's father, stood in front of us, frowning. He glared at us and shook his head.

"Get on that stage now!" He yelled. Blitzo and I instantly stood up and ran towards the stage. I picked up my 4 apples and hid two in my hat. Was it uncomfortable? Yes. I brushed the dirt of my knees and got myself ready for my act.

"Now! Everyone's favorite thing about circus shit! The motherfucking clowns!" I heard the ringleader, Blitzo's dad, over the noise of the crowd.

Fizzarolli, my other friend, came up to me and dragged me towards some stairs.

"This way, idiot." He said, still dragging me.

"I can walk on my own." I rolled my eyes. I looked behind me, Blitzo was walking behind us, nervously looking at his hands.

We soon made it to the top of the tent. We walked on the wooden plank, carefully as to not fall. Fizzarolli was on the opposite plank as me and Blitzo stood on the same one. I was behind him, nervously picking at the apples.

"You ready Blitzo, Y/n?" Fizzarolli asked.

"Born ready!" Blitzo said, now confident.

"Not really." I whispered.

Music began to play and Blitzo and Fizzarolli both grabbed a hold of their rope, jumping off the planks. Blitzo held his hand out for Fizzarolli, he grabbed it and they both flew off.

"Now or never." I whispered, looking down, noticing the height.

As the rope came back, I jumped and grabbed it with one hand. The rope spinned in circles. I looked and saw Blitzo now stood on a big ball.

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