Murder Family - 2

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Blitzø, Moxxie and I quickly hid in a bush while Millie went and hid behind a tree. The bush was located under a windowsill so I put my head up and looked through the window.

"That's got to be her! Oh this is too easy." Blitz spoke as he also looked through the window.

A small family was sat by a table eating food. There was two kids and two adults. They all looked innocent.

Too innocent

"Moxxie so you want this one?" Blitzo asked now looking at the smaller Imp next to me.

"Me?" Moxxie looked nervous.

"You don't have to. I could do it." I suggested and Blitzo laughed.

"You did it last time, it's his turn." The ex clown said patting my head.

"There's turns? Since when?"

"Since now."

I turned to look at Moxxie, who was looking down at his hands.

"I suppose this one's simple enough for him. Moxxie?"

Moxxie looked up and gulped. He looked through the window and his eyes went wide.

"Just a happy mother who just got out the hospital."

Blitz looked at Moxxie and smirked. Moxxie was still looking through the window, a shocked expression still clear on his face.

"Snooze you lose Mox!" Blitzo picked up the gun and aimed it at the blonde women. "And I got you bitch."

Moxxie looked at Blitz and began to panic. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a sigh.

"Wait! Are we actually killing a family!" Moxxie spoke a frown on his face.

"No, don't be a puss we're just killing a mother. We're ruining a family."

"Not helping Blitz." I mumbled.

"But... Hold on, hold on. Let's just think about it." Moxxie began and hit Blitz hand. The problem was he hit his hand right as he shot the bullet, causing it to completely miss the mother.

The whole family gasped and looked out the window. The three of us ducked and placed our backs against the wall.

"Shit!" I whisper shouted.

"What the fuck was that Moxxie!?" Blitz shouted and Moxxie let out a help. I honestly couldn't tell what it was... It sounded like a dying lizard.

"I'm sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy. I panicked." Moxxie cried.

"Oh who the fuck is innocent Moxxie?! From the moment of birth you're already a parasite leeching off your mama's tits. Get the fuck over yourself! You baby dick!"

The shot of a shotgun was heard and a new hole formed in the middle of us, the bullet grazing my shoulder. I jumped onto Blitz and hissed.

"Fuck... Why does this always happen to me!?" Blitz grabbed my waist and began to speak.

"A new hole! Scatter!"

The three of us jumped out the bush, Blitz still holding onto me.

Me and Blitzo ran towards the woods the blonde women shooting at us.

"Are you going to let go of me anytime soon?!"

"Oh right." The Imp nervously chuckled and let go of me.

As we got further into the woods my shoulder began to hurt. The women laughed and called out to us. Blitz grabbed me again and we hid behind a tall tree. His hand was covering my mouth and his other hand was covering his own mouth.

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