Murder Family - 1

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A few months have gone by since that night. Do I regret it? Not one bit.

Stolas created a group chat, all he ever sends is photos of himself and the dates for the next meet ups. The last one was last night. Blitzo didn't want to go so I went by myself. Bad idea... Everything hurts. My legs ache whenever I walk, and Blitzo always laughs whenever I complain.

The business has been relatively good. By good I mean getting at least 2 or 3 clients a week, which is more than last year.

At the moment I'm sat on Blitzo desk as a client speaks of her origin story. She was a sinner. Her skin was pink, including her tail and horns. She had white hair with a black ribbon, her eyes were red and she wore glasses. Her outfit was most definitely the typical teacher outfit.

"I was a good person before it all went down." She hid in the shadows, pacing around the room like her dead life depended on it. "I was good my entire life."

I sighed as she started talking about her being a teacher and all. She explained that she forgot her husband's birthday and then caught him cheating by a face time call, in front of innocent children. She then told us that she threw a little girl into the air and then ran home. She killed her husband and shot the women.

"They were watching the whole time... Those poor children. I had no other choice.. So I shot myself. You do everything right in life play by all the rules and still get sent down here will all the Hitler's and Epstein's of the world. After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage so that's why I'm here. To get my revenge."

I tilted my head, my legs crossed as I stared at the women. She now had a lit cigarette taking a drag every so often. Blitzo was sat in his chair, behind his desk, his feet upon the desk. The natural light from outside was peeking through the blinds, creating an ominous vibe to the room.

"I mean was she hotter." Blitzo began and I quickly smacked him on the head.

"Not the time, idiot!" I whispered and then looked at the women, who was now glaring at Blitzo.

"I'm just saying! I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me tits."

The women glowed red as she growled at Blitzo. Blitzo looked at me a small smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and he began to talk again.

"Anyway... I don't think you quite understand how we're operating down here see we.." Blitzo stood up and began walking to the front of his desk. "Take revenge out on the living and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of a death frankly are all probably down here in hell with you."

Blitzo leaned against the desk, his elbow next to my hand.

"Not all of them. That whore survived. Now they all call her a hero." The teacher spoke waving her hand in an expressive manner.

"Should've shot her more than once." I shrugged and crossed my arms. In the corner of my eyes I saw Blitzo smirk. The women glared at me, her right eye twitching slightly.

"Why don't you shut up and let me continue?!"

"Jeez..." I raised my hands like I was going to get arrested.

"Thank you... Anyway, between the talk shows and donation bullshit she made so much goddamn cash getting shot was the best thing to happen to her. SHE IS NOT A HERO!" The pink demon slammed her fists into the desk, luckily Blitzo already moved and was sat in his chair again. I jumped off the desk, not wanting to get hurt.

"Mhm, yeah okay yeah my thoughts exactly." Blitzo spoke and nervously chuckled. He started pressing one of many red buttons under his desk.

"Why don't you calm down... I'm sure we can come to an agreement." I said and the women looked at me. She began to become less agitated and moved away from Blitzo.

After a minute or so Blitzo agreed to get her revenge. We made our way to the door, Blitzo pushed open the door.

"Guys! I want you to meet-" Blitzo was cut off by an arrow shooting all over the room. I watched from behind Blitzo as the arrow hit the electric eels and then bounced off. Blitzo caught the arrow as the tank holding the electric eels fell over.

"Our newest client." Blitzo finished holding the arrow proudly.

The room set on fire as the electric eels reacted to the now wet carpet.

"Damn it Moxie! I just bought those eels!" I yelled staring at the imp who shot the arrow. "You owe me!"


We now stood outside the building. The fire was put out by the firemen.

We watched the women get into a taxi.

"Bye and don't worry we'll get that skank in less than 24 hours or your first kill is free!" Blitzo shouted as the taxi drove away.

"When did we start implementing that deal?" Moxie asked and I turned to look at him.

"When you set fire to mine and Blitzo's office in front of a client you fucking dick shit! Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact!" I grabbed Moxie's shoulder and then threw him.

I looked at Blitzo who was staring at me, a faint pink tinting his cheeks.

"You mean our only ticket to the other side? Yeah got it." Loona, our hellhound, also Blitzo's daughter, spoke holding up Stolas' fancy star book.

"And that's why you're my favorite Loony. You get a treat now." Blitzo gloated, holding up a bone shaped treat.

"Ew stop."

Blitzo threw the treat in the air and then caught it with his mouth.

"You're so gross!" Loona shouted and I chuckled.

"Oh stop it I get enough of that from my therapist. Now let's go lick some ass." Blitzo spoke as Loona opened a portal before walking away.

"The expression is kick some ass, Blitz." Millie told Blitzo before walking through the portal.

"Mine's better." Blitzo grabbed my waist and then pushed me through the portal.

"Seriously Blitz!?" I shouted and then landed on my back.

"This seems oddly familiar.." I watched the imp tower of me, a smirk plastered on his face. "A women on her back in front of me..."

"Fuck you." I stood up, moving Blitzo out the way.

"Haven't you done that enough?" Blitzo whispered into my ear and I pushed him away, my cheeks warming up.

"Shut up." I mumbled and moved away from the portal. I stood next to Millie who was looking up at me curiously.

Moxie walked through the portal and we all turned to look at the cottage besides us.

You're my everything... (Stolas x Blitzo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now