Spring Broken - 2

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We were now on a beach, in the human world. We stood under a wooden dock, hiding behind large rocks. Humans were socialising and drinking. A huge stage was sat in the middle of the beach.

"Now, remember, we can't be seen, alright? And loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona can help with leading targets to a better spot to off 'em. You got the list Loonie?" Blitzo explained looking over at loona.

Loona used her snout to sniff a long list of victims.

"Got it." Lonna stood up and began to transform into her human form. A flash of blue light covered the hellhound as she transformed.

All four of us looked at the wolf in awe.

"Ohhhh, Loonie, look at you. You look...downright awful!" Blitz spoke in a fatherly way.

In return to Blitz's comment, Loona glared at him and I nudged his side. Blitz wiped away a tear.

"I am so proud. Now, fetch!" 

Loona looked out at the crowd, scanning it for our human targets. In her eyes the targets are outlined red. The hellhound smirks and starts strolling to a man wearing sunglasses. She moves a finger down his chest and gives him a flirtatious grin. She motions to behind her and to a private alleyway. I watched the two leave.

I turned to my right expecting the three Imps to be there. They're not.

Did they just leave me?

I Looked over the crowd, keeping an eye on the big stage. 

Should I go look for them?

Loona came back, looking for another target. She lead a blonde male into an alleyway, I followed close behind. I looked up and saw the three Imps standing on top of the building. I quickly climbed up the building just in time to see Millie drop a rope. I looked down and saw the blonde's head get trapped in a noose. 

"Forgetting something?" I spoke up, now stood next to Moxxie.

Moxxie turned to look at me.

"No... Are we?" He looked at me, confused.

I slightly clenched my jaw, taking in a deep breath.

"No. Just that you left me at the beach!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh. We thought you were following us.."


I looked away from the short Imp and towards Blitz, whom was smirking at me in a sexual way. I smirked and raised my hand, giving him a backwards peace sign. I moved my hand back and forth, signalling him to fuck off.

"Could've at least tell me you were leaving." I told Moxxie. "Anyone could've."

I turned to look at Moxxie, his facial expression hard to read.

"Stop chatting around, we have more targets!" Blitz said placing his arm around Moxxie's shoulders.


A few minutes went by and Loona has another target.

Loona was sat on the edge of the roof, a brown haired man sat next to her. I watched the man lean towards Loona for a kiss just for Millie to kick him off.

I walked towards the edge, now standing next to Loona, I looked down and saw Moxxie slam the lid of a dumpster.

The five of us continue to kill our targets and now we're back at the dock, putting bodies in bloodstained bags.

"That's nine kills in the bag! I like to see that waily snatch orgasm that many-" Blitz got cut off by music.

I looked towards the stage.

"I knew that stage wasn't there for nothing!" I spoke placing a bag, full with body parts, next to the other bags.

"Alright, spring breakers! Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some BITCHIN' BAD CHOICES?!" The voice of Verosika was heard from the stage.

The crowd cheered and roared, waving their arms in the air. A few fans were screaming Verosika's name.

"This is your final boarding call. All aboard-"

Verosika began singing and the screens on the stage turned on. The words "Fuck you Blitzo" appear on the screen.

I chuckled slightly and then looked at Blitz, who was growling; foaming from the mouth.

I grimaced and thought to myself.

Can't believe I've fucked that guy...

The humans all started making out with whoever was next to them. Some were hugging, others were grinding against each other, and some were just kissing.

"God DAMMIT! That bitch started her goadish mating call! Now, she's going to win all these sex maniacs! We gotta pick things up, guys!" Blitz yelled, rather angrily.

A blonde man was stood next to Blitzø and started vomiting.

"Ugh, gross." I turned to look at the married couple, so I wouldn't be looking at the human.

"He on the list, Loonie?" Blitz asked, pointing to the human.

"Huh? Yeah... I- I think so." Loona spoke, distracted by Vortex, who was guarding the stage.


I listened for the human, making sure he wasn't vomiting before turning back around. Blitzø now held a red and black axe. He looked down at the human, raising the axe above his head. Blitzø slammed the axe down on the human, cutting it in half.

"But you sure as shit ain't gonna tell nobody! Alright, next one Loonie. C'mon! Loonie? Wait, where-"

Blitzø looked around for his daughter. After noticing she wasn't any where in sight he panicked.

"I swear she was just there." I pointed to the spot I last saw Loona.

"Well she ain't! Wha-- Wha-- Wha--" Tears sat beneath Blitzø's eyes. "WHERE'S MY BABYYYY?!?!"

I looked towards the stage and then at Blitzø. I sighed before petting Blitzø on the shoulder. He glanced at me before pulling me into a death gripping hug.

"Look!" Millie yelled, pointing towards the stage.

"Blitzø..." I mumbled stuck in his arms.

His grip tightened.

"Now who wants a piece of this?!" I heard Verosika.

Soon enough I was being dragged towards Vortex and Loona. I was no longer in Blitzø's arms, but now he held a tight grip on my hand.

At this rate my whole hand will be nothing but red flesh.

"Blitz can you please let go of my hand?"

The Imp looked at me and then down at our hands.

"Shit, my bad."

He quickly let go and then stomped towards the two Hellhounds, getting in between them.

"Am I... Interrupting something?" The Imp spoke.

"Nah, man. Just having a conversation." The taller Hellhound spoke, looking down at Blitzø.

"'Conversation' leads to HPV!" Blitz poked Vortex.

I looked around awkwardly, feeling out of place.

"Blitz, get the fuck out of here! You're gonna get us all into shit!" Loona spoke.

Definitely not the place I should be. Where's Millie and Moxxie?

I looked around for the couple, but couldn't spot them.

"I just wanted to see what was important that you'd be distracted from your job." Blitz spoke being protective over his daughter.

I looked down at my feet awkwardly 


Small update.

I've been busy with A levels 😭
Next part should, well hopefully be out next week or the week after. Probably the week after as that's when I'm on half term break.

Thanks for being patient 🥲

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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