Cryptic Feelings

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My attention quickened when I heard a knocking sound on the back door, aroused by considerations of what might be behind it, I stood upright cursing my luck and that cursed intruder, I was on the verge of sleep after the sleepless night's worries due to that devilish daughter.

"Anybody around at this moment?"

I wondered as I headed towards the door with growing curiosity, suddenly the door opens slowly.

"Who's here?"

I said before hearing a strange sound followed by that tone that sent a chill racing down my back.

"Already erased me from your memory that fast?!"

A mocking voice replied, making me speculate its owner, but that's impossible, although I feel surprised, I remained certain.. it's undeniably her.

"What do you want? how did you get in, and where did you disappear to?"

I rushed with questions before her muffled giggles reached me.

Great, she's likely to now think ill of me!

What if she believes I'm crazy or something of that sort?

"Why would I think you're crazy? on the contrary, I believe I've affected you greatly just by depriving you of sleep.. oh I remembered! how can I resist feeling proud when I see how my touches bring an innocent smile to your face in your dreams? and likewise, you look enticing with those purple bruises, not to mention your black attire adding another touch of allure."

My eyes widened in shock as I glanced around, oh god, she's reading my thoughts, then where is she hiding to see what I'm wearing?!

"Look at this cutie searching for me despite often defying orders!"

Her voice pounced on me this time, as if it came from all around me, not just near the door, she's enjoying playing with me, and it's about to throw me off balance.

"Reveal yourself and stop these foolish games!" I added with shaky confidence before echoing laughter reached me, followed by a loud crashing sound that made me cower on the ground, covering my ears in fear, damn, what is happening?!

"How can a frightened creature like you gather the courage to make me appear in this manner?" Cassandra stands behind me to the point where I can hear her breathing.

I didn't have the courage to turn this time, a strange terror overwhelmed me, even though I was the same person who conversed with her yesterday, it seems this calm monster will completely disappear.

"What do you want from me? why do you keep appearing and disappearing?"

"Um, maybe seeing you frightened is enjoyable? let me enjoy manipulating you as I please, soon our fates will be tied together forever, and you won't tire of seeing me then!"

She finished speaking to reveal that she descended to my level, prompting me to stand and contemplate her, this time, she merely showed her eyes, allowing me to catch a glimpse of her lips.

Her eyes usually sparkled, causing me to take two steps back, she smirked suddenly, approaching me with incredible speed, and before I knew it, my back forcefully collided with the wall.

She looked at me confidently, noticing that my eyes were directed at her exposed chest, to ensure I understood she wanted me to notice, she extended her hand, lifting my chin towards her, challenging me before mocking me again.

"So boy, what will you do about that bruise on your neck? do you still not know me, or was our previous conversation not enough in your eyes?"

"I wish I wasn't here, being in this place is an endless hell."

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