Untold Sentiments

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"Solely yours."

Declared Lady Dimitrescu upon her exit, as a joyful smile adorned Cassandra's face, she acquired the liberty to pursue her desires, as if I were a puppet manipulated by her every whim.

My eyelid twitched, and my hands trembled after hearing it, the signs of confusion enveloped my being, I didn't know how to respond.

I separated her fingers from my hair, and my hand reached for the edge of my clothes, she slid two of her fingers behind my neck to touch it, then she pinched the previous bruise.

My lips tightened with anger as my eyes stared directly at her. "As if this is frightening, take what you want."

A look of shock took over her features after my reaction, as if she regained her consciousness. "Oh what is this behavior? are you planning to escalate the situation further for yourself?"

I locked eyes with hers. "You're right, it seems I forgot."

Cassandra closed her eyes for a moment, biting her lips, a quiet laugh seized her, shaking her eyelids, but she couldn't contain her giggles, laughter erupted joyfully on her face, and her expressions continued to resonate within me.

"Oh boy, do you realize that intentions can be more dangerous than the action itself? sometimes moments exude.. a deadly scent."

Cassandra catches a glance from Bela. "What conversation are you launching?"

Cassandra raises her eyebrow provocatively. "I'm just wondering if there's someone harboring malicious intentions."

Daniela laughs. "Are you thinking of playing cat and mouse?"

Cassandra's hand reaches to touch my face. "Be cautious, intentions are like curses, they creep through the body like poison, and sometimes bring moments of hardship, where everything becomes filled with pleasure.. in a way that can't be fully described."

"You don't really mean that, do you, Cass?"

"Of course, Bela, but there are effective methods for scrutiny, have you noticed?"

Daniela gives me a playful look. "Like you do with those guys over there, isn't it?"

"Am I being tested now?"

Cassandra smiles wickedly. "Indeed, but don't delude yourself that if your intentions are pure there won't be any issues."

"But you don't know anything about me!"

"Perhaps you should be straightforward if you fear we might uncover something unpleasant."

"That argument is entirely unconvincing."

Cassandra laughs sarcastically. "I'm talking about harsh means to discipline certain types of people, do you understand?"

"Are you serious now, really?"

"I just wonder, do you think you could risk falling into that? perhaps you've already booked a ticket."

"Why are you rambling about all this now?"

"Because I enjoy those moments and remember how I used to imprison victims in a small, dark cell, depriving them of food and water, I relished hearing their pleas and mercy requests, as if I were in the pinnacle of bliss, those moments filled with pain and fun still attract me, I could force them to do degrading tasks like cleaning the floors with their bare hands or scrubbing toilets with their toothbrushes, the best moments of fun were when I made them participate in games, where their failure led to severe punishments, whether it was physical endurance, mental challenges, or even life-threatening situations, it was tremendous fun!"

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