3. Oneirataxia.

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The azure explosion receded from the sky, slowly giving way to the brightest of moons and the darkest of sights atop the cliff.

In the blink of an eye, Accalia was on her knees beside her loyal worshipper. Though his limbs hung limp, the wolf's faint, unsteady breaths hinted at life's tenacious grip. Without these feeble signs, she would've presumed him dead. Her hands brushed his fur, fingers tracing the constellation of wounds that marred his form. His body, a canvas painted with the scars of battle, evoked a sense of profound agony within her. 

Her heart ached as she gazed upon him, pondering how he endured the relentless onslaughts despite the multitude of injuries that beset him. Each one told a tale of resilience and fortitude, etching a testament to his unwavering devotion and boundless love.

It was all for her. She'd heard him loud and clear. His sacrifice echoed in the depths of her being, a gift unlike any she had ever known.

The only one she'd ever received.

Warmth blossomed within Accalia, igniting a flame of gratitude and recognition within her chest. It swelled, consuming her with an indomitable fervor until her eyes glimmered with fiery resolve and unfathomable feelings.

Cerulean flames surged forth, gradually enveloping them both. Heat emanated from her palms, spreading across his body, and then cradling his faltering heart in a tender embrace.

Rosy lips set in a grim line of concern and regret, Accalia laid her head atop his unmoving ribs. A shaky breath tumbled out, her ears straining for any sound.

A lub, and a dub.

Her eyes widened, capturing the slow buildup of a steady rhythm followed by the reassuring rise and fall of his chest. The blue fire receded, yielding to the brilliance of silver rays that bathed the small clearing.

The chill breeze brought a welcome change, its gentle caress soothing and spreading an invigorating sense of renewal throughout them.

Accalia caressed his fur, her melodic hum filling the air with tranquility. Her eyes sparkled with affection, a tender smile gracing her lips as she spoke softly, "Here I am, once more, indulging the whims of a mere mortal."

This time, however, there was a playful lightness to her words, an acknowledgment of the transformation that had taken place for she knew that the limitations of mortality no longer bound him.

The Moon cast its soft glow upon the landscape, and shadows danced playfully among the trees. The air was crisp and clear, carrying with it the subtle scent of earth. The rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl added to the nocturnal symphony, a soothing lullaby that echoed through the woods.

With a sense of contentment settling over her, Accalia nestled closer, resting her head atop his belly. She savored the moment, inhaling deeply and allowing the peacefulness to engulf her as her eyelids fluttered shut.

Under the serene night sky, the world seemed to hold its breath at the unusual sight gracing the mundane lands of mortals.

Under the serene night sky, the world seemed to hold its breath at the unusual sight gracing the mundane lands of mortals

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