Chapter 5

26 3 5

Zayn's Point of View

I felt all eyes on me, as I stared at Josh in shock. He knew exactly who I was too. Who could forget our little 'outing'.


"GET OFF OF HER!" I growled.

'Make me." And with that I lept on him, causing him to release Brooke.

She just stood there in shock. Brooke definitely didn't expect me to follow her out of the club. She was heartbroken, by her so called 'boyfriend' Josh, and I wanted to confort her. Something clicked in me, and I liked her. But he attacked her, in the middle of an alley, and looked like he was going to rape her. And I sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen.

"Brooke call 999!" I scream while still throwing punches at Josh. (A/N Apparently 999 is the police in England) 

I heard her IPhone dial, and I knew that Josh was unconsious so I stopped punching him, but I kept him pinned down.

"Hello, is this the police?" Brooke said.

"Yes, I like to report a crime."

"Um Ridgeway Parkway."

"Ok thank you."

She hung up the phone, then turned and faced me,

"The police are on their way, but seriously thank you for helping me."

"No problem, I'm glad I was here to help you."

With that said, the police arrived, and took Josh. They wanted a full statement from Brooke, and I ended up leaving.

I never saw Brooke again, but assumed she was ok. I didn't think to get her phone number, it didn't seem like the right time.



He laughed. I didn't find it funny at all. " I did my time, and now I'm out of that hellhole."

"WELL, now I'm calling the police, and you can do MORE time."

 "Like hell I will!" Josh yelled, and started to bolt. But he wasn't going nowhere. I quickly pulled him back and held him in a headlock. I nailed him to the ground, and started throwing punches at him. As I was hitting Josh, I felt a strong arm grab mine. It was Liam's. 

"Mate, the police are here. It's alright. You can let him go now."

"No way! He's just gonna go to prision, then get out, and do it ALL OVER AGAIN!" I was screaming now. I couldn't let it happen to somebody else. Not now, not ever.

"Actually, he probably will have life in prision, without probation. After trial, that is. One strike too many."

"Really?" I said. 

"Absoultely!" the police officer said.

I was glad. I was more than glad. Josh deserved this. He was some psyco creep. Josh NEEDED to go to jail FOREVER.

I ran over to the girl, Addie, and started to help her. I was going to make sure this wasn't going to turn out to be a 'Brooke' situation. I would never forget what happened with Brooke. And I wouldn't forgive myself if I let that happen with Addie.


Author's Note

SORRY SORRY SORRY! I am soooooo sorry for the long update! You guys did get 5 votes (eventually) and I amm soooooooo sorry! I had a wedding to go to and it was CHAOS! Oh and I had dance practice this weekend and I will never leave you hanging that long! I will try and get you the next chapter by tommorow! Again sorry guys!

Please Please Please






Bianca xoxoxoxoxox

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