Calling In a Favor

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Deep within I.M.P City lies a bar called "The Golden Dragon". Blood covers the front of it as steel grates cover the windows and Door. A few heads roll along the ground in front of the door, leaving behind a nice blood trail.

Several Fireworks go off in the distance and the grates open up and lights shine inside. The clock chime echoes through out the city.

"Finally it's over." A voice complains.

Inside is all empty but two people are at the bar. Behind the bar counter stands a tall red scaled demon with orange hair and two spike-like horns on the side of his head. Piercing amber eyes with eye hole pupils, a long sleek tail sways behind him.

In front of the Bartender sits a demon wearing a black leather cowboy hat with a cross-laced leather band. Black hair with brown strands stick out from under the hat. A grey vest rests over a button up white shirt. A bandoleer across his chest filled with revolver rounds, as well as a belt, that holds up black pants, filled with pistol bullets and a black revolver holstered on his right hip. There's a large knife on his left hip.

There's a second holster on his lower back that holds another revolver, but only the black handle with glowing feathered wings on it is seen. The holster rests just below a black and yellow snake tail, with diamond patterns, and a rattle on the end of it. Over everything is a black coat with diamond patterns on it. He's got a pair of cream colored boots with spurs on them.

The man's grey-tan clawed hand grab onto a glass and bring it up to his mouth and take a long sip. A black pointy mustache covers his upper lip. He lowers the glass and a black forked tongue licks his upper lip, revealing a row of sharp teeth, with two long one's that face backwards.

"Another year down, huh, Jake?" The Bartender grabs a bottle from under the counter and takes a long swig from it.

The cowboy, now known as Jake, looks up at the bartender. His yellow-orange slitted eyes with fiery irises stare at him.

"What's another year to a demon like me." An old western accent comes from Jake.

"Yeah, sometimes I forget your kinda old." The Bartender pours some liquor into Jake's empty glass.

"Watch your tongue, boy." Jake hisses. "Don't you forget who helped you ssstart this place up, SSSmaug."

Smaug waves a hand as he leans on the counter. "Yeah, yeah." He grabs a remote and turns on a TV that's mounted on the wall above the bar. "Anything worth while on TV for once?"

Smaug flips through the channels, going through a couple channels of people having sex, a commercial for a business called I.M.P. Then he flips to the news channel and it's showing a live clip of Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious clashing.

"Oh, now here's something interesting, Cherri and Sir Pentious, I wounder who'll win?" Smaug sets the remote down.

Jake just glances up at the TV for a second, before going back to his drink. "Who caresss. It's not like either of them will die."

Smaug rolls his eyes. "Can you stop taking the fun out of stuff."

Jake only chuckles with a toothy grin, his tail rattles for a few seconds.

Smaug looks back up to the TV and sees Charlie Morningstar singing on TV and he turns it up.

"Oh... Why is she singing?" Smaug questions.

Jake hisses in displeasure. "I don't like it when people sing."

Smaug stares at the TV for a few seconds, before turning it off. "Yeah, you're right, I don't like it when people sing either." He tosses the remote to the side. "It hasn't been even an hour after the extermination and she's singing about Redeeming souls in hell. I think she's kinda stupid, who'd want to be redeemed? Hell's awesome."

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