Falling into the Air

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Falling into the air, weightless and free
With nothing to hold onto, nothing to see
Just me and the open sky, in this moment so rare
Falling into the air, without a single care

The wind rushes past, with a gentle caress
Whispering secrets, I can't help but confess
I close my eyes and let go of all fear
As I continue to fall, my heart starts to cheer

No longer bound by gravity's hold
I spread my arms and let my story unfold
Gliding through clouds, like a bird in flight
Feeling the rush, of pure delight

All worries and doubts, melt away
Lost in the beauty, of this endless display
Falling into the air, with no sense of time
Just living in the moment, sublime

The world below looks so small
As I surrender to the unknown's call
Embracing the unknown, with an open heart
Falling into the air, a brand new start

And as I start to descend, back to the ground
I carry with me, a newfound sound
The beating of wings, that once were trapped
Now soaring freely, no longer wrapped

Falling into the air, has set me free
To embrace all that life has in store for me
With each leap, I'll find a new high
Falling into the air, with wings to fly.

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