It wasn't that they had intentionally wanted to land on this planet or by any means go anywhere near it, as it was a planet of great, deep, dark, watery depths of sea and the atmosphere looked "cloady", to say the least, well actually it looked full of storms, tornados, tsunamis and thunder and lightning, but more so that the gravity had just pulled and lured the ships in, and they had no power to stop it from happening, and all tried immensely and tremendously with all their best efforts to get the hell back out, but to NO AVAIL, and they fell into a hail and thunder, lighting storm hoving just above waves that were a scary sight to kill, and hail stones as large as cars, and they only just struggled to manuvor the space ships to avoid them --- having had a lot of practice on frickin asterioid showers trying to hit them in space travel, this wasn't the difficult part, it was the part that was trying to drag them down to the seas rough and dangerous surface --- and below them was a giant whirlpool, and then Sonic realised it wasn't the surface they were especially being pulled to, well, THIS TOO; death one way or another, but they were being pulled towards a supermassive tidal wave of a tsunami larger than the tallest building times 10 on earth --- and suddenly, out of this terrifying, pertrifying wave came out screaming a roaring HOWL of a terrifying shrilling beastly sound, appeared in a rush and a gush of the worst thing they had ever seen or ever wished (never) to see again... the sea monster or demon, was it, CTHULHU!!!
It had white lime green skin, a bald head with many black eyes, tenticles coming out of its every body part, and was about a quarter of the planet tall, large and wide, and the most noticable and terrifying thing --- there was NO WAY of possibly explaining just how terifying this beat was, or, was it that to this day the author was still too scared to explain it properly, and didn't want to traumatise you too far or too much...? --- was that it had a giant open mouth with rows upon rows of nashing teeth which it almost certainly and without a doubt intended on gobbling them up with, and they would never return... There was nobody to help and nothing that could help... their clothes and times and dates, radars, were all messed up and out of control, and all of a sudden they burst through a great gray cload and were blinded, not seeing a thing but knowing that Cthulu was on the other side, and not knowing what to do, but they all looked up at GOD... who was looking directly at the beast and COMMANDING it, they heard God command and speak loadly with Authority, "YOU SHALL NOT HARM MY CHILDREN!!!" and with that........ They all promptly PASSED OUT, and collapsed... That was all they knew... for a time nobody could comprehend, or was it so little time it had not passed at all, had it ever even really happened? They knew nothing... they were unconcious, completely out cold...
Superheroes and Sonic Ultimate Story Of The Universe
ParanormalThe second book following on from Ultimate Sonic Revelations. For my children.