Y/n the ink demon

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charlie pov

me,vaggie,husker and angel dust we're watching this really old cartoon but even though it was old it was really entertaining then alastor walked through and stopped right behind us

alastor:oh he's still making these??i won't deny these cartoons are the only thing i watch on this wretched box 

i looked at him confused 

charlie:do you know the man or woman who made these?

alastor nodded before giving us all a signal to follow him as we we're following vaggie kept trying to get us to go back to the hotel

vaggie:what if they are a murderer!? what if they kill innocent puppies!?

alastor stopped and looked at vaggie

alastor:my friend who makes those cartoons is a fellow overlord just like me ever heard of the ink demon hmmmmmm???

vaggie looked like she just saw a ghost

vaggie:the ink demon!?charlie! are we seriously going to a place where one of the most powerful overlords are!?

but then alastor stopped making us bump into him we looked out from behind him to see a huge town that said 'ink town' ink was flowing from every corner and their are ink sinners and ink hellborns! my eyes sparkled at how beautiful everything was but then we we're stopped by a line but alastor kept walking until we saw him the ink demon

ink sinner:well i was wondering if you could add like a gang of mafia spiders? their called the moonshine gang

i saw him overthink it before smiling

???:sure consider it done! i needed a new gang since the butcher gang is on leave right now

alastor shoved past the ink sinners and the ink demons smile became bigger

???:oh my goodness do my eyes deceive or is my best friend back from a seven year absence!?give me a hug man!

they both hugged then alastor led him to us

alastor:y/n these are my colleagues charlie morningstar

y/n pov

i bowed kissing the princesses hand

y/n:hello little missy the names y/n the ink demon it's nice to see royalty

alastor:and her girlfriend vaggie

i was about to reach out to give vaggie's hand a kiss but she pointed an.......angelic spear?hmmmm strange but i respected her boundries

y/n:hey hey i'm a real nice guy i promise

alastor:and you remeber our good friend husker

unlike alastor, me and husk we're actually pretty good friends me and him sometime get together to gamble

y/n:wassup husk how's it going

he just shrugged his shoulder

husk:could be better you still up for tuesday night?

y/n:you know it!

alastor:and twisted little niffty

she jumped on top of me and grabbed my tux

niffty:hello (psychotic laugh)i missed you(another psychotic laugh)never leave me again

i grabbed her and put her down

y/n:i missed you too niffty 

alastor:and angel dust

he walked up to me

angel dust:hey toots wanna have a good time


i then signaled them to follow me as they followed me i led them to my studio which looked small from the outside but the inside was like a castle soon we made it into my office i sat down and started drawing

charlie:mr.ink demon sir

i waved my hand at her

y/n:just call me y/n please i insist

i kept on continuing to draw 

charlie:well i was wondering if it's alright with you if you could stay at my hotel?

i looked up from my drawing to raise my eyebrow at her she then started explaining her idea to me and i must say it is an intriguing idea and it would be a nice vacation for me

y/n:can i continue to make my cartoons over?

charlie:yes absolutely!

i stood up from my desk and pressed a button soon the people i trusted with my life came into my office allison and tom 

allison:you needed to see us y/n?

i walked over to her once i was in front of them both i put my hands on her shoulder

y/n:allison i'm going to leave you in charge of ink town for awhile alright?it's about time i take that vaccation you're always talking about so i hope i can trust you to make important decisions for my town alright?

she saluted to me and then hugged me 

allison:i promise i won't let you down y/n!

soon she let go of me when she did that i looked over to tom

y/n:and tom i'm trusting you  to be the security of this town and the security for allison ok?there's a list of people on my desk that under any circumstances should not be let into ink town

he punched his real arm against his metallic one nodding i went to my room to pack up all my stuff then after i finished packing i signaled all of them to follow me to the back door 

charlie:wait why aren't we going through the entrance?

y/n:because there is one particular ink person-

alastor:ugh! sammy

y/n:sammy, he's kind of an-

alastor:obbsessed freak that worships you?


y/n:i saved sammy from a gang of sinners that wanted to kill him then all of a sudden he stalks my house made a shrine of 'dedication' to me and starts treating me like a god

vaggie:but don't you overlords like being treated like that?

y/n:most yes ,but not me i just wanted to make cartoons for my citizens,being an overlord is nice you have power and respect but most of the times that respect comes from fear but not the respect i get, i worked hard to get the true respect from my citizens

time skip

we made it to the hotel and i must say it isn't too bad may need some tuning but it's not my place to say then charlie started showing me around and then she showed me my room then she left me so i started inking up the place and put my drawing equipment near my bed i looked around it looked exactly how my real room looks like in ink town but anyways it's nearing midnight so i changed into my pajama's and climbed into my bed and drifted off into slumber

The ink demon(hazbin hotel x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now