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"All right, so I get my license next week" Hawk tells Miles and Miguel "My mom's gonna give me her Sentra

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"All right, so I get my license next week" Hawk tells Miles and Miguel "My mom's gonna give me her Sentra. I think I'll put a blue racing stripe down the middle, hood to tail."

"Subtle, I like it" Miguel says to Hawk with a smile before the two look at Miles to get his opinion.

"I personally think it's stupid, but uh, you do you" Miles says to Hawk with a smile, who just rolls his eyes in response as he sees a group of people stood outside of the dojo.

"Fresh fish" Hawk says to Miguel and Miles, as he lightly slaps Miguel's arm, before they walk over to the group, making them all look over at the three "Check this out" Hawk whispers to the two.

"Dude, don't be a dickhead" Miles whispers back with a laugh.

"Don't" Miguel says with a smile, knowing that Hawk is just going to mess with them.

"Hey, mouth-breathers. Move it" Hawk says to the two standing closest to the door, who instantly move.

"Sorry about that" One of them says.

"I'll get the door" The other one says, who opens the door for the three of them.

"So, you guys wanna be Cobra Kais, huh?" Hawk asks, before acting like he was going to punch the two, making then flinch "You got a long road ahead of you" Hawk says with a laugh before the three walk into the dojo.

"What the hell happened in here?" Miguel asks as he sees the broken mirror and the burnt wall.

"Maybe my dad threw a party?" Miles says as he shrugs his shoulders "I didn't hear him come home last night... or see him before I left the house."

"I'm sure he's fine" Miguel says, noticing that Miles was starting to feel a bit worried "I'm sure he probably ended up sleeping here after his party last night. I wouldn't stress about it."

"Y-y-yeah, he's fine" Miles stutters out.

"Quiet!" They all hear Johnny yell "The dojo's closed to new students today."

"Thank God" Miles whispers under his breath, feeling a sense of relief.

"We just wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament" The one who held the door open says to Johnny.

"Do I need to say it again? Get out!" Johnny tells them all, making Miles instantly know that his father is very pissed off.

Yes, sir... Sensei" The other guy says, seeming a bit scared.

"Let's go, move it. Come back tomorrow. And bring your checkbooks" Johnny says before turning to face his students "Everyone, fall in!" Johnny shouts, as everyone does what he says.

"Must have been a rager, Sensei" Hawk says with a smile.

"Yeah, were you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel asks, matching Hawk's smile.

"Celebrating what? That my students are a bunch of pussies" Johnny says, making them all look confused "Diaz, Hawk, up front" Johnny says, making Miguel and Hawk stand in front of the class "Hawk. Did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?"

"Yes, Sensei" Hawk says, still looking very confused.

"Diaz. Did you purposely attack your opponent's injury?" Johnny asks Miguel.

"Yes, Sensei" Miguel says, with a bit more confidence than Hawk did.

"You think that makes you badass?" Johnny asks the two, but mostly looking at Miguel, which gets no reply from the two "What's the matter, question too tough? Maybe you need some help" Johnny says before turning around "Miss Robinson!"

"Yes, Sensei" Aisha says.

"Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you wanna be?" Johnny asks her.

"The one that kills the lion, Sensei" Aisha answers.

"And why is that, Lawrence?" Johnny asks Miles.

"Because it killed a stronger animal" Miles answers answers "Makes it more badass."

"Correct!" Johnny shouts, looking at Miguel and Hawk "Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest. Not when his back is turned! Not when he's injured! Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei" All of the students yell.

"That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. From here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies, do you?" Johnny asks the class.

"No, Sensei" The students yell again.

"Good. It's why I had you wear your white belts. We're starting over. Diaz, Hawk, fifty push-ups on your knuckles. Miss Robinson, Lawrence, warm them up" Johnny says.

731 Words

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