Enchanted Violinist

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The midweek lull had settled over CirCLE Livehouse, casting a heavy blanket of monotony over the atmosphere.

Leaning against the counter, I let out a weary sigh, feeling the weight of boredom pressing down on me. The faint murmur of music from the speakers did little to alleviate the dullness that hung in the air.

With Marina off at another meeting with the livehouse's owner, the responsibility of managing the place fell squarely on my shoulders.

Yet, there was little for me to do in her absence, the usual tasks of tidying up and organizing were already completed.

Resting my chin on my folded arms, I gazed up at the ceiling, watching the slow rotation of the ceiling fan as if it held the secret to breaking free from the monotony.

"Bored... So bored..."

Just then, the door creaked open, breaking the stillness of the room. A familiar face peeked inside, eyes scanning the dimly lit interior before settling on me.

"Yo, Kyo-kun! What's up?" It was Soumei, one of the regular performers at CirCLE Livehouse, his easygoing demeanor a welcome distraction from the boredom that had enveloped me.

I straightened up, offering him a small smile. "Hey, Soumei. Not much, just counting down the minutes until something exciting happens around here."

Soumei chuckled, sauntering over to the counter. "Tell me about it. It's been dead quiet today."

I nodded, gesturing to the empty space behind me. "Yeah, another meeting with the owner."

"Well, I'm here to spice things up a bit." Soumei flashed me a mischievous grin, pulling out his guitar from its case. "How about a little impromptu jam session?"

As Soumei's fingers danced over his air guitar, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Wow, You can play?"

"Of course~ I have to impress girls with instruments," he replied, flashing me a wink and a charming smile.

I rolled my eyes at his remark. "That's stupid."

Leaning in closer, Soumei whispered in my ear, "By the way, I know you trust me a lot, but is this really where you work? Isn't this a girls' band livehouse?"

"Yeah? What about it?" I replied, feeling a tad defensive.

A mischievous grin spread across Soumei's face as he continued, "Are the girls here cute?"

I sighed, shaking my head in exasperation. "Of course, but I don't hit on them like you."

"Aww shucks! I missed my chance to apply here!" Soumei exclaimed dramatically, his smirk widening. "Hey, how about you help me apply here?"

I shot him a deadpan look. "I refuse."

"Eh!? Why?! Is it because you're the only boy here?!" Soumei protested, feigning offense.

I sighed once more, trying to maintain my composure. "Look... I didn't even apply here for girls. I need money."

Soumei leaned back, his smirk still firmly in place. "I also need money... and girls."

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his persistence. "Please turn around and leave."

"Wow~ What a scary smile~" Soumei teased, his grin growing wider.

As the door swung open, Soumei and I froze mid-conversation, caught off guard by the newcomer's arrival.

"Hm?" The newcomer, a girl with a serious demeanor, surveyed the scene with a raised eyebrow, her gaze shifting between Soumei and me before she made her way purposefully to the counter. "Are you Nakasone Kyo?" she inquired, her voice steady and assertive.

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