1. Azrael

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"P-Please don't kill me" he whimpers as I'm dragging the knife through his chest, blood pouring down the cuts his pleadings intensifies, the sound of his screaming just like sweet music to my ears, I groan as the blood dripping from his chest spills on my white shirt, I take a step back cursing at him and taking out the salt water from the bucket I splash it across his seared chest and he screams out in agony. A grin crosses my face and walking across the drawers of the whips I take out a metal whip with a leather handle and put it inside the burning fireplace in the corner of the room and lead towards him and grabbing him by his jaw I bring his face to mine.

"Its time you tell me who sent you here." I ask him for the hundredth time now but the wanker isn't speaking, only some Italian gibberish. I was getting a bit bored so I took a knife and aimed for his dick and in a swift throw, its gone he screamed again his boxers drenched in blood. The sight not really good but satisfactory.

"For the last fucking time I'm asking you, who sent you here?" I ask him between my gritted teeth, and splash him some more salt water and pulling out my shotgun I shoot his right knee blood all over the floor, he annoying me now he screeches from pain and starts to stutter some words, I lead towards him and grabbing him by his hair I bring him towards my face and ask him to speak.

"E-Enchantress" as soon the name left his mouth a smirk marred my lips and I threw a knife at him again, this one hit his pelvic bone his pleasant screams once again filling the room, My sweet girl wants me dead, why? that's a question for later. I headed towards the fireplace and picked up the whip it was scorching red I walked over to him placing it on his wounds one by one cooking them the stench of burning flesh making my scrunch my nose in disgust but the sight of him adding to my pleasure after I was done with every wound I pulled out my gun from the hem of my pants and put it on his temple. Shooting him and killing him instantly. He looks quite disgusting.

I looked down at myself. I was a mess.

After killing the prick I got out of the dungeon and headed upstairs, dried blood all over my clothes and my hands.

Maria was in the kitchen, cooking some dinner it was late she looked up at me for a while examining me a little and resumed her work, I never understood her, anyways, I went upstairs to my room, getting inside the room I headed straight towards the bathroom getting rid of my clothes and entered the shower the hot water streaming down my body relaxing my muscles quickly washing away the blood I got out of the shower and put on a pair of some sweatpants, picked up my phone and went downstairs.

Maria was already gone, my food was sitting on the table, I pulled a chair and say down and called my brother.

"Hey brother"

"Hey Azrael, is someone dead?" He asks quite knowing why I called him so late.

"Some bastard was sent to kill me but now he lies in the dungeon with a bullet in his skull, entered the house while I was in my study I saw him from the cameras, caught him by surprise, tied him up, tortured him, and killed him." My voice laced with disdain.

"Sweet Jesus! And what do you want me to do?" He asked knowing I called him in for a favour. A grin spreads across my face.

"Little brother I would like you to pick this body up and deliver it to the doorstep of the enchantress with a note in my name so she knows it's futile and not so easy." I hang up his call and put the empty plate in the dishwasher and head towards my bedroom.

My sweet girl, always doing things that draws me in more and more towards her. To the world she's the most fearless, ruthless, the enchantress to me she is the girl I have already fallen so hard for and it's about time I make her feel the same because for how long will she hate me or try to kill me. It's about time I pay her a visit and the day I do that I'll make her mine forever.

Leaving all these thoughts behind I pick up my laptop from the table and settled on my bed, as soon as the laptop turned on the face of my rose appeared, I liked this picture of hers it's the best, it's one of my favourites, she's perfect, sometimes I just think about how mesmerizing her beauty is, her caramel eyes, her long lashes, full-plump lips, the perfect nose, everything about her face is so captivating, the little freckles peppered along her nose, her alabaster skin, those dimples when she smiles, a perfect set of teeth, her cheeks so full yet her features so sharp, sometimes I think about soft her cheeks would feel, how sweet her lips would taste, it's been months and I'm going crazy.

But not too long now.

I quickly clicked on the folder option and the file with all the pictures of my rose popped up, its my every night ritual now to look at the pictures of her she was like an obsession now. After looking at every picture I had of her, I got up from the bed and put on my black hoodie, kept my phone in my pocket and slipping my feet in my shoes, I took my car keys and headed towards my club.

Reaching there I parked and handed over the keys to the guard, the only reason I visited the club this late was for her, it's been months now all of my nights belonged to her, she came to the club today and my men called me as soon as she did. I entered my office and saw my brother getting sucked off by one of the strippers. Gross.

"Take this outside before I blow your head off." I bark at him, raising his hands he tells her to stand up and doing his pants, strides out of my office with a stupid grin plastered on his face. I sat at my table and clicked on one of the cameras where I could get the best view of her, she was talking to someone some man, dressed in a really short dress, she was looking ethereal the dress hugged her perfect curves

I can watch her all day.

I got so lost that I couldn't notice that the man sitting across her barstool was constantly touching her hands, her thighs and what enraged me more was that she was liking it and did nothing to stop him. But I couldn't do anything, right now it's not the time it's would be too early to come out of the shadow. I call in one of the bartenders who was serving her and gave him another note to give her, then I continued to watch her, he have her the note which she as usual tore after reading it's fun watching her getting frustrated the little eye roll, after some time she left and surprisingly with the guy, as soon as she did the bartender came in and handed me a note she gave in return of mine which said

"My shadow is no fun ;)"

I always like a little challenge. Reading her note I got out of the club too.



So how was it? Feel free to comment, would help me improvise and trust the process you'll understand.

See yaaa ;)


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