12. Vincent

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"Just like that, yeah. Oh my god." I needed this. My mind was so blocked from all the shit I had going on the west. I just needed this. These girls give good head, soo good. I felt ecstatic, her head bobbing up and down between my legs was absolutely heavenly. my head fell back as she tightened her lips around my shaft and sucked harder, I was about to come when my phone started ringing, thrice in five minutes. The ringtone annoying the fuck out of me, I gripped the girls hair and pressed her along my length, all the while making her gag, my other hand reaching for my mobile kept beside me. KIRA was flashed across the screen, making me cold all over, the release I wanted long forgotten.

"GET UP." I shouted at the girl and picked up her call. Before speaking I took a deep breath, this woman brings out the worst in me, she is so disturbing, everywhere I've send her she just tries and do stuff which provokes me. But I'm bound. I put the phone to my ears and progressed with the most polite tone I could push.

"What is it that you want, Kira?" I asked, trying to mask my annoyance in a deeper decibel I usually used with her.

"What do I want Vincent, I'm not your fucking work minion, who you can send away whenever you want and bring back according to your fancies. Its been six fucking months and I want to come home now so by the end of next week send your fucking jet to pick me up." Velvet met my ears, her voice melted in my ears, only thing other than her epic body that was likable about her, was that silky and sultry voice. It was confident and graceful. She was spitfire, there was a time in my life I crushed hard on her but now she is just a bitch. And the way profanities slip out of her mouth. One may be surprised how much she's obsessed with the word FUCK.

"That's a lot of fucking, where are your manners Kira? And about returning, you can depart when Mr. Vasilios is down. I thought he was going to be your greatest hit, amore mio." I responded back, my retort absolutely challenging her skills and passion.

"Let me quickly rephrase that for you my dear, he was your fucking hit, but you did not have balls enough to come here and do it cause you know that Mr. Vasilios rule here, so you sent me, you greatest assassin and moreover your fiancée to execute him but guess what I'm bored and he is one difficult piece of shit. I don't even know how he looks, Vincent. I want to come back and you will send your fucking jet." Well he was my target until you snooped your nose in it. And I knew nobody could've done it better than you. Being the capo comes with a lot of responsibilities and her being my fucking fiancée is still something I can't actually process. I was trying to keep my anger at bay. And she was making it difficult.

"Kira, first, I'll send my fucking jet whenever I want. Second let me remind who you're actually talking to. I maybe your fiancée but first I'm your employer so you better watch your tone with me." This was a threat and she knew but, My Kira she wasn't afraid of threats, the threats added fuel to her fire and when it flared she took down everything with her flames.

"Let me remind you Vincent, I'm not yours to command and you better send your jet by the end of next week, otherwise the day I step in Milan, would be the very last and painful day of your life. And do trust me when I say that, baby." Her voice clearly indicated the matching threat, for all I can say is that she can try. It would be fun. Though the endearment didn't go unnoticed by me, she was being serious.

"I'll see you soon, bellisima." I said, I didn't wanted to stretch this conversation anymore so I hung up.

She knew damn well that I won't send the fucking jet. And I knew damn well after a week she'll be lethal. Goddamn Vasilios. He was tough fight, self made. That made him more firm and rigorous. He's killed everyone I've ever send for him. He's just not yet ready to die. I'll have to do something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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