2. Kira

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"I'm coming" I yell leading towards the door blood dripping down my knuckles as somebody was banging it so loudly, not so cool. I was in the middle was of my fucking workout. As soon as I opened the door, I saw one of my men standing there and a body bag over his shoulder. This man was getting on my nerves now.

"Holy fuck! Marco, not again." I groaned out in frustration, he shrugged with a oblivious look on his face, I stepped aside giving him some space to walk inside the house, I heard a loud thud knowing he dropped the body instantly, I rolled my eyes and turned to see the body of another man on my floor. I opened the bag the smell of stale blood filling my nose instantly making me gag, there was note daggered to his chest. This was a first.

I picked the note which was now somewhat bloody, it read,

"Hey rose,

Don't you think it's getting boring now, its futile and annoying me. It's not so easy try harder, baby. I would love to watch ;)

Your shadow xx"

I crush the note anger rushing in my body like it's blood. Just one person, I came to this city to kill the biggest hit Azrael Vasilios and he's making it so difficult. Since the last 5 months I'm trying to kill him but my men always end up the body bag, I don't understand what's so special about this one maybe I'll just pay him a quick visit and put an end to this. I frown while looking at the body.

"Dispose him off and call in the driver please." I spit orders at Marco and he instantly left. I turned around moving towards my hall my workout was hanging from the ceiling his face was disregarded, his body full of cut marks and his head was hanging low from all the pain I was giving him. He was mumbling something, I walked towards him pulling him by his hair as soon as he saw my face he flinched, making me laugh. Hmm fucking Pussy.

"P-Please k-kill me" he started whining as if he was gonna get it so easily. He was a rapist and an abuser, I would make him suffer until he begs the devil to take him cause I was too much for him.

"N-no" I said in a mocking tone and pushed a knife inside his torso making him scream in pain.

"You're lucky I have to leave, see you later." I wink at him and head towards my bedroom, I was stinking of sweat and blood, it was all over my clothes and my face, stripping out of my clothes I head for the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror while the shower was on.

I looked at my reflection my face and neck covered with splashes of dried blood a smirk plastered my face at the sight of red, call me psycho but I love it, I love other people's blood and when it's from people who deserve it. My gaze went to my stomach, where a long scar marred my skin all along till my left underboob, I traced it with my fingers and my thoughts went to that day.

"Shh, princess It'll hurt just one time." My eyes were in a blindfold all I could see was darkness and just that, I wanted it over, I wanted the pain to go away. Suddenly a loud thud was heard and my hands were untied from the chairs and the blindfold removed as soon as I opened my eyes, they started closing again and before I could make sense of what was happening I fell into a deep slumber.

Taking a deep breath I realised I got too deep into it, I'm not that girl anymore. Leaving all these thoughts behind I entered the shower hot water cascading down my body relaxing me. I quickly cleaned off the blood and got out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around me I entered my closet looking for some nice dress, yeah I was going out with the man who was next victim. Irony is soo lost on me.

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