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Veronica POV:

I run and run till I'm at my house I bust open the door still in shock.
My father is alive and I have five older brothers. Wow. Wait. Men. Fuck what if they -?.

It'll be fine.

My Two wolfs are in their cage right now I'm gonna have someone get them for me because I couldn't live without my baby girl Lilah and my baby boy grey

Shut up
Who are you?
I'm your inner mind.
Nobody cares.
I do.
Well you have a whole new family so shut up and start packing.

I pack all my clothes wich are all black mostly and I don't really have many clothes so one little bag will do. As I'm done with my bag I go out and get my skate board and skate to the airport.  A few tears escape my eyes I wipe em back and skate faster and faster.

When I got there I saw my principal god that man is something but he was like a father to me.

,,hey,, I said still teary eyed
,,hi dear I know this must be a lot huh,, he said and I nodded
,, before you leave I wanted you to know that I'm proud of you.,, as he said those words I began crying he then hugged me first I flinched but then it felt fatherly kinda.
,,I'm proud for every good grade for always trying even though I gave you a hell lot of detention but please don't get into trouble In Spain?,, he asked of me and I smiled devily.
,,I can't promise that Jared but I'll try and I appreciate the detention and being proud of me, thank you,, I said and chuckled as he gave me a , bitch really , look when I called him Jared again.

,,ok now before I'll start crying too, go and don't forget me. I'll miss you Veronica,, he kissed the top of my head and I smiled at the man I always said I hated but secretly loved as a father figure.

I turned around and walked in Holding back the urge to run and hug him one last time. He was always there for me when I had bruises or would give me detention but would not get mad when I'd only draw he knew I hate going home so detention with him was kinda a better home I smile to myself and walk into someones chest.

,, fucking hell watch where your going,, I said as I looked up and saw six men before me and I backed off imideately

The one I bumped into looked like the oldest probably the father and he looks a lot like me far to a lot .

,, excuse me ,, he said I looked up and he saw me and a fee tears fall down his face I look at him and remember a little

Yeah bitch I know
Who cares if you know asshole
How mean of you

,, Veronica? ,, he asked and I nod


They talked Spanish

,,es ella?,, ( is that her? ) Someone asked the oldest men probably in his late 40. I think he's My fahter and they are my brothers

,,Mi hermana menor,, ( my baby sister)

,,ella tiene moretones,, ( she Has bruises ) one of my brother says angry.

,,ella se ve hermosa aunque,, ( she's beautiful though)

,,ella tiene tatuajes guau,,  ( she has tattoos wow )

I heard them talk about me in Spanish, how beautiful I am and all that I blushed a little.

,,Puedo hablar español también para que lo sepáis.,, I said without emotions ( I can speak Spanish too just so y'all know )

,,forgive us Mihja but where so happy to have you back,, my father says

I look at all of them and I remember one of them I gasp
,, Xander?,, I ask really happy to see him he looks down at me and nods

,,you remember me?,, he asked
,,yes,, is all I say this is just to much but I remember him and I only trust him.

,,is that all you have,, one of them asks pointing at My stuff.
I scoff

,,yes, got a problem with it?,, I ask angry and he chuckles

,,just like dad huh,, I glare at him and wait for someone to say something.

,,ok Mihja let's get into our jet you look really tired so you can sleep ok the jet if you want,, my father says and I nods following them but staying with Xander Becouse I only trust him right now. He noticed me flinching a lot and he wisphers in my ear ,,it's ok we won't hurt you just relax ok,, I nod and walk as they open the jet door my jaw meets the ground like literally

After what felt like five years someone tipped my shoulder I flinch and turn around in fear.

,,wow everything ok Hermana?,, Xander asked me and I nod

everybody sits down I don't know where to sit but I think Xander would be a good choice I sit besides him and pick up my phone.

I'm gonna watch TikTok or something.

,,I'm hungry,, I say more to myself but Xander hears it of course he does.

,, what do you wanna eat?,, he asked and I look up at him.

,,it's ok I don't need anything,, I say and lay on his chest again.

,,hey one thing,, I say and everybody turns to me

,,Sì Hermana,, on of the twins said

,,I have wolfs like I own them I have  one girl on boy and they are well trained and there gonna life with us of that's okay with y'all i found them in a box on the street when I was 9 and raised them till now,, I say in one breath and wait for there reaction j

They look at me in shock.

,,ok Mihja they can live with us sure,, my father says and he looks still confused and shocked nobody says anything while I slowly drift into sleep in Xanders arms

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