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Veronica POV:

,,is that her?,, a boy voice asks

,,yeah this is Veronica but she's sleeping so be quiet,, Javier says

,,get out,, I bumble but the I realize that they can see my bruises I imideately cover up.

I look up and see Javier and another boy he looks gorgeous he has tattoos and green eyes, black hair and those abs god I was nearly drooling. Why doesn't he have a shirt on.

,,your staring ,love,, the guy says and I glare at him I look at Javier who also glares at the boy .

,,get out! both of you!,, I say

,,ok grump I see you for breakfast bebita,, Javier says and kisses my forehead they walk out and I stand up and look in the mirror god I look like trash.

After a quick shower I change clothes I wore blue sweatpants and a white top with a black jacket

I walk downstairs and see my brothers and my father.

,, morning ,, I say and grab a banana and eat it .

,,hey who are you?,, I ask the guy that was in my room with Javier

,, atlas king, Javiers best friend,, he says and I nod still looking at him suddenly I feel someone pull me away.

,,no boys,, I hear my father say and I chuckle

,,ok,, I say

,,you are going shopping with Javier, atlas and Sarah. Atlas and Sarah are siblings and like family for us in general the king family is like our family,, he explains and I nod

,,ok yeah sure ,, I say and look at Javier

,,when are we going?,, I ask

,, now,, Javier said and they walk out side I follow them

,,I just woke up 30 minutes ago,, I grump at them

,,we don't care,, they both say in unison I cant wait for the girl to come we got to a black car where a blond girl is waiting she's gorgeous also.

,,damn she looks good,, the girl says to my brother and atlas

,, thanks you look stunning too, other than you brother,, I say and she hugs me I flinch a little.

,,ya good? ,, she asks me and I nod

,,yeah girl I'm good,, I say

,,Yep I think I'm gonna like you especially since you said my brother is ugly Wich... he is ,, we burst out laughing when we see how atlas holds his chest and acts like he's hurt.

( The car )

,,wow the car is beautiful I think I'm into cars now,, I say and the girl Sarah nods in agreement we go in and talk the whole ride to the mall.

,,where here,, atlas says and opens my door I look at him confused.

,,I can open doors ya know,, I scoff

,,I know, love,, he says and I glare at him

I roll my eyes and walk out

Time skip after shopping:

I buyed so many things.

,, Javier are you sure I mean it's a lot of money,, I say

,,yes Hermana don't worry you get everything you want,, he payed and we went home.

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