chapter forty-one

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Chapter 41

Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson easily made their way through the wolves. While they were all-powerful, obviously filled with Esther's magic, they were nothing to two angry originals.

Klaus moved across the bloodiest grass swiftly, snapping necks and ripping hearts out before they could possibly even move to react. When one wolf got close enough to touch his shoulder, he raised his arm quickly, knocking the man's head off of his shoulders.

Elijah moved back, dodging a punch as it blistered through the air. He caught the next punch, twisting the man's arm and folding it back until it popped. The man fell to the ground in agony, clutching the broken limb.

When all of the wolves had been either disarmed, killed or deemed unrecognizable, the two originals sped off to the small cabin behind them. Speeding over to the body of their fallen sister, Elijah checked for a pulse. When he felt none, he looked up at his hybrid brother, searching his eyes for a solution.

"Brothers?" They heard a voice from behind them.

The two Mikaelson men turned around quickly, both ready to attack if need be. Coming face to face with someone who looked nothing like their sister made them both stand on guard. "Rebekah?" Elijah tested.

"This new body isn't as near as pretty as mine," Rebekah started. "But as long as you two are here then I'm fine with it."

Elijah smiled, speeding over to her and taking her in a hug. "I would recognize that snarky attitude anywhere."

He pulled back, examining her new body. "Cami O'Connell, brother." Rebekah started explaining. "Mummy dearest put me in the body of a human."

"Let us go—"

A loud ringing cut off Klaus's sentence, pausing him in his footsteps. "It's Marcellus," He started before taking the call. "Are you alright?" It didn't take but a couple of seconds for Marcel to relay his message. When Elijah and Rebekah watched as his brother's victorious smirk disappeared, their stomachs dropped.

"Niklaus," Elijah called. "What is wrong? Is Mina—"

"Father," Klaus said simply. "He is back and Kol is trapped with him."

"No!" Rebekah bit. Her frail human frame couldn't last a second with their father. "What do we do?"

"You shall do nothing," Elijah retorted. "You are human therefore you are vulnerable. You will remain here. Where you are safe."

Silencing the situation, all three Mikaelson siblings froze, a chill like no other sliding down their backs. The air became thick and still, as the supernaturals paused. They looked between the two of them, feeling yet another chill escape them.

It was only one thing that could catch the attention of two power vampires and even a human.

"Bonnie," Rebekah began. "This is Bennett magic."

"Niklaus," Elijah started, putting his arm on Klaus's shoulder. "You must defeat Father."

"And leave Bonnie to handle our wretched Mother by herself? I think not, Elijah."

Rebekah groaned. "Nik, Elijah can help Bonnie, but no one has ever succeeded at killing our Father but you. Kol needs you."

"Bonnie needs me!"

"I will protect her with my life," Elijah assured. "I promise you this, Niklaus."

Klaus fought between the two options before he sucked in a breath. While he knew Bonnie could fight against and win in her battle against Esther, his little brother wouldn't have a chance at survival against their father. "I'm going to go murder our father. I guess Mother is your task."

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